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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. I do it bc i'm a thug and i just want to make sure that everyone on the interwebz knowz this.
  2. I didn't see an easter egg all day.
  3. I saw Angels and Airwaves at the Newport in Cbus a couple years ago. It was a fantastic show, but to be honest I only listen to a couple of their songs a regular basis, its an entirely different feal than blink. I <3 Blink too Weren't they on tour or something, I swear my friend from Texas said that he saw them last year
  4. I only had a couple miles to go in the wind... whew. crazy. hope everyone else is safe!
  5. If you're looking for an honest opinion, I think you should take that money that your parents have saved for you and consider using it for education and/or real emergencies.... hate to say it but I think having a nice car should probably be the least of your worries.
  6. awwww, that's scary... i know this is an irrational fear, but i've always been afraid i'm gonna have a bird hit me and get its beak lodged in my skin.... i don't suppose they're pointy enough to do that... you never know
  7. naaah, he up'ed his cool status after i started liking him
  8. I waved to someone yesterday and they didn't wave back.... I cried a little inside.
  9. ^^^me. sorry I would be worried about that but I have officially replaced all of the zipties that I borrowed from UP with REAL BOLTS and stuff. oh, except for the one holding the fairing on... that one's still there... thanks again me too... my first group ride was a kershocton ride on the kawi... whew, learned a lot that day They take care of their noobs... I was last with the exception of my babysitter behind me :D
  10. I was just plotting a way to attach me and a suitcase to one of your bikes for the ride back to mansfield....
  11. if your hands are occupied, head nod ftw. i would assume that if you're on a motorcycle waving to another motorcyclist you either: a. realize their hands are busy, bc you, too, use a clutch b. don't care bc waving to strangers doesn't matter or c. are a huge douche who cares that you didn't get waved back to.
  12. srsly, if i don't make this, i'm going to be sitting in lab doing this --->
  13. I went from 525 to 520 and didn't notice a difference...
  14. OsuMj

    Skydiving Meet

    i don't like the thought of falling... I wouldn't mind coming and watching though... there's usually a few decent landings I had a friend that somehow forgot to put his feet down and just landed on his butt... that was funny.
  15. I usually do, but this week I rode ~75 miles in the cold (40 give or take a few degrees) in full tuck bc I was so freakin cold... I shivered for 3 hours after I got home. I love being on my motorcycle, but no likey da cold.
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