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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. my bicycle got stolen *sad face* maybe i can convince a friend to let me use his.
  2. ^^^ you asked if you think you should put a 4 yo on the back with you... 1000rr was stating what I think most of us are thinking. A novice rider should not by any stretch of the imagination even be considering putting a small child on the back of a motorcycle with them. I dont think he was attacking you, just stating that from your past posts about accidents that you have had and whatnot, that it isn't a good idea yet.
  3. I can't get the vid to load right now, but wasn't there a timer in the bottom right hand corner or something?
  4. I was genuinely thinking the same thing. This is my third season riding and I still wouldn't feel comfortable putting my child (if i had one) on the back of my motorcycle with me. You need to have enough experience and confidence to not have to ask OR if you should or not.
  5. well hello!!! I'll stop by for a few too. I'm flying to SF for a week and a half the next day, so i'll be busy that weekend.
  6. deal!!! btw, i've never had a passenger before lol The bike looks really good in person too you look really comfortable on it ... good purchase
  7. typical male driver, not paying attention, running into things.
  8. OsuMj


    ran outta gas on the kawi one time on the highway.... yay for reserve tank...
  9. I could probably do that next week ... is it gonna be just you an me though? lol
  10. Any good suggestions for a slightly larger place for the next lunch? I feel bad squishing all of us in there....
  11. you only thought it was fun bc you got to set up your next 'spooning' date with howie.
  12. made me sound like a fatty didin't it.
  13. I've been laying in bed surfing the interwebz for 5 hours.... but i'm riding to applebee's today!!!!
  14. I <3 ur witty comments.

  15. We (OSU) have our own airport!!! Welcome
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gdGJBYoaIY Its today, let me know if you're not on the list and you wanna come!
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sx-EJ0QkoHw&NR=1
  18. AEP has made it abundantly clear to me, that even though I live here and have a lease for the property, since its not in my name, I'm not even allowed to know if the electric will be shut off until the guy comes to my door to tell me. They claim its violating the rights of the person who is paying the bill ... yeah. The public utilities is a whole different story. They'll tell you exactly what she owes. lol.
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