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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. I'm bored, and hungry. fix it. :p

  2. Yes! Road trip for sure. :D I've got one other friend that does it too, so that's at least 3 of us... could be a party!

  3. :D I've been taking scuba classes! TopLeft is teaching me. I've wanted to check out the SE side of Florida for some time, I'm pretty certain i'm going down this summer.
  4. Are you coming or going this time?!? :)

  5. psh, i think it'll be easy :D I can't do push ups though. That should be interesting.

  6. uh, the one with hook, uppercut, kick kick kick!!!!

    (I wrote this on my wall on accident :p)

  7. uh, the one with hook, uppercut, kick kick kick!!!!

  8. Happy Valentines Day! ;)

  9. Happy Birthday!!

  10. its a great pic!!! :)

  11. hahahaha, i didn't even see your response to this... so #3 huh? ;)

  12. hey! when do i get to watch you guys :)

  13. psh. call me when you're done with poker... i'm heading to work.

  14. shut up! I just wanted to check before i left for work. bite me.

  15. lol... if you want... ahha

  16. do you think 5 guys will be crazy busy at lunch time?

  17. no... I no has moniez. I am expecting my hospital bills from the kidney stone to be ~$3000 so I'm trying to be all responsible and stuff and save money so i can not have debt... guns are luxuries right now... lol

  18. :lol: does that mean you ARE one, or you HAVE one?? ;)


    ^^^ which one do you think for me? lol

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