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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. OsuMj

    more damage!!

    great, its like i'm in high school again awkward... yeah, i'm going back & forth on that... two things: 1. I think the silver is gonna get dirty easy (my bike is super greasy), so black might be better ? 2. I think it looks really plain the way it is, which might just be because i'm not used to it. yeah...lol, I still have to go back and tighten everything up...
  2. Ok, first thread was total fail, but who wants to go to lunch at Vic's around noon on Thursday? Map moose - maybe yota - maybe progrmr fdave - maybe vdave- maybe shmuckgirl - maybe me
  3. Yeah, I still owe you guys!!! We should head back there sometime, or you guys could come to vic's on thursday!!
  4. OsuMj


    snowboarding, hiking, traveling, eating stuff
  5. yeah, thurman burger = bun, mayo, pickles, cheese, burger, lettuce, tomato, mushroom, ham, banana peppers = amazing for ~$10
  6. ahhh! that's sooo funny... its sweet that people are out there that still want to help each other, but the mask, omg, the mask... hahaha love it.
  7. you should plan an event... maybe. I want it too.
  8. yup, still entertaining at 2:40... too bad nobody else is awake...
  9. i have woman like hormones??? girly man who filed report???? 1888SIS GIRL????? what is this, sexist jerk.??????? hahaha, jk
  10. obviously you all fail, and that 1/10 that you get wrong isn't going to be offering to fix your computer for you or write a code to make your life easier... lol.
  11. you shoulda labeled this "something to totally freak you out late at night"...
  12. I guess if you're gonna fail, that's the way to do it
  13. OsuMj

    more damage!!

    eh, i enjoy the challenge of doing things the hard way lol.
  14. to this whole thread... lol I think I'm goin too.
  15. OsuMj

    more damage!!

    actually it was awkward as hell... swear...lol
  16. OsuMj

    more damage!!

    I wish I could have gotten a picture of me putting the exhaust back on... lol. I leaned over the seat and put all of my weight on it so that I could lift the front end of the bike, then I picked up the left side of the exhaust with my right hand, and i lifted the right side with my right foot, then put the bolts in with my left hand... it was pretty awkward & hilarious.
  17. OsuMj

    more damage!!

    And with the help of a box, I hoisted my exhaust back into place and finished up all of the silver paint. I think it looks a little plain... idk, we'll see, but here's some before and after.
  18. OsuMj

    101 0066

    From the album: Misc.

  19. OsuMj

    101 0065

    From the album: Misc.

  20. OsuMj

    101 0060

    From the album: Misc.

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