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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. oh, haha, ok, no i've not been in your town before... to be honest i had to google it to see where it was :) anyway, i'll come out tomorrow if my bike is ok and if i'm feelin alright in the morning, however it most definitely won't be earlly in the morning so the game plan would be to intercept you guys wherever you may be.

  2. is that a question?? I don't remember riding that way. lol

  3. OsuMj

    more damage!!

    i sat on my bike for about 10 minutes trying to be less angry so i wouldn't drive stupid before I left my parking spot... lol. I'm feelin better now... plus I've convinced myself that this is just a step towards a newer better bike... right? yeah.
  4. possibly, i'm considering it. maybe :)

  5. OsuMj

    more damage!!

    I appreciate that, but it was sometime between 11am and 6pm... ?? That's nice of you
  6. eh, alright, I just get a little kick outta callin you kawi man...lol

  7. i'm maybe in... depends on how tonight goes and whether or not one of you kids sends me your phone number so that i can find ya when i decide to show up.
  8. OsuMj

    more damage!!

    yeah, thats where i park. I probably will check into it and keep my fingers crossed that it was the wind ...*sigh*
  9. OsuMj

    more damage!!

    I actually really hope it was the wind, bc i'd like to think more of people than that. Most of it is cosmetic, I think with a friend helping, I can probably bend the brake lever back to place. I'll check in the morning if it is leaking oil and figure out what to do from there. that's pretty funny, i'll take that into consideration. my bike is 22 years old...
  10. OsuMj

    more damage!!

    The 'don't get mad at me for saying this' almost made me smile a little bit. its cool, i mean, its not like my bike is new, but i just replaced half the shit that got messed up I'm saving up for a new bike though. If i get a new one this season, its not making any trips to public areas unless i'm with it.
  11. OsuMj

    more damage!!

    So I just went out to my bike, which was parked on campus all day, got on, noticed my mirror was f'ed up. I got off the bike and noticed a small puddle of oil on the ground. Walked around to the other side and my new handle bar grips are torn to shreds and the plastic tube was broken. Not only that but my foot peg is jacked up and my break lever thing is all bent and caused some nice damage to metal cover on the right side. As if my fairings weren't already bad enough, the fall broke them in a few more places... great, I needed my bike to look like ass even more than it did. wtf though, who knocks a bike over, puts it back in position then doesn't even leave a note???
  12. well if you say so...
  13. yeah, there were a few confirmations already We're just having fun
  14. your posts are giving me interesting visuals
  15. is everyone still in for that bikini bike wash if this is tonya??
  16. Hi, welcome! Great intro! I'd be up for a little cruise this weekend sometime...
  17. I think when I buy a house, I'm gonna get a motion detection sprinkler system activated at night and have it spew out permanent dye or skunk juice... don't know what its called... but its smelly.
  18. Hey KawiMan... how's it goin?

  19. meh, stuck at work on this beautiful day :( I got a little ride in this morning and showed up here around 11 though ... hahaha *evil laughter*

    what about you??

  20. Its definitely not listed on CODA's website for upcoming fundraisers, so that must mean that they're just going to donate a portion of the proceeds independently? Honestly, I think from the shadiness of all these people who have hopped on the board and spammed on their first post, I would rather send a donation directly to CODA - that way I know my money is actually getting there.
  21. OsuMj

    Lunch ... ?

    yeah, he goes by "batman" ... kinda weird if you ask me.
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