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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. OsuMj

    Lunch ... ?

    Ok, Thursday!!! and how about this place Victorian's Midnight Cafe
  2. OsuMj

    Lunch ... ?

    Ok, total fail in the original message... Try again: Lunch on Thursday April 30 at Vic's. Who's in?
  3. OsuMj

    yeah, one of us should....

    lol, i'll do it :)

  4. What a random charity event, bikini wash for the humane society... lol
  5. OsuMj

    idk, I like finding new places. Got any suggestions??

  6. OsuMj

    You up for another lunch soon??

  7. OsuMj

    Dayton in April

    everything on that pizza was fantastic!!! There was something about the cheese, it was sooo good.
  8. OsuMj

    If my "invisible" bf keeps not showing up to things, you can be my date to the next OR event... :)

    You'll have to let me know if/when you celebrate your 21st! I'll buy ya a drink!

  9. OsuMj

    no it doesn't! you're crazy. everyone wants to be 20... well 21.

  10. OsuMj

    omg, you're so young!!!! :-) lol

    ^ I posted that after I saw your comment from yesterday. :) sorry!!! hahaha. this was definitely not a response to your post!!

  11. OsuMj

    Dayton in April

    Hey kids, thanks for showing me the best pizza I've ever had in my life!!!! Had fun! Learned some interesting things about you guys and heard more stories about pee than every other day in my life combined. Good times.
  12. OsuMj

    Dayton in April

    I'm done!!! See you kids in 2ish hours!
  13. OsuMj

    I'm afraid to click on that t-shirt thread bc i'm at a conference & don't want people to think i'm a perv...

  14. OsuMj

    Dayton in April

    jk!!! I want people to talk to me, this is boring.
  15. OsuMj

    Dayton in April

    I'm giving presentations right now... 3 hours till pizza... I'm trying to look bitchy so that nobody talks to me... lol. jk
  16. OsuMj

    Dayton in April

    My Quest for Coffee: It started hailing That's not a coffee shop! buildings what is that?? a fish bone structure in the middle of the road wha????? thought i'd share my day.
  17. OsuMj

    100 9993

    From the album: Misc.

  18. OsuMj

    100 9992

    From the album: Misc.

  19. OsuMj

    100 9991

    From the album: Misc.

  20. OsuMj

    100 9989

    From the album: Misc.

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