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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. bc I think the goal of the pic was to sell shirts, not scare people... jeeze.
  2. I was thinking the same thing... you and i both thought it, whether he was or not, he was... dude, stop smoking before you ride!!! walk to taco bell or something and ctfo.
  3. :-/ sucks... at least they didn't mess with your bike!!
  4. OsuMj

    Lunch ... ?

    Ok, this thread has failed. I'm calling next thursday noon at Vic's... unless someone else comes up with something better... yeah. Oh, and my mysterious man friend can't make it then either...
  5. Interesting... I studied insects for like 4 years in high school and didn't know any of that!
  6. I think it was.... you. I was in dayton on tuesday, that gives me like special privileges for a week or something
  7. So... basically there's like 8 people who post in this thread... ? lol
  8. haha, everyone in my family calls it bucky-rus.
  9. niiiiice. stop calling people fat!!! jerk. jk. Yeah, I like to eat... who doesn't???
  10. False Advertising!!! Should have been Female Celebrity Crushes of the 90s...
  11. I hope they have an industrial fan strapped to the side of that beast, i don't know about you guys, but I wouldn't want my toilet to be within 5 feet of my cooking surface.
  12. One of you kids who are raving about your fabulous grilled cheezes, feel free to deliver one to OSU today, I'll be there all day. Thanks.
  13. I wanted to tell you something, but I forgot.

  14. OsuMj

    Lunch ... ?

    there is, indeed, a mysterious man friend that has somehow avoided every single OR event... Sweet! Are you talking about Vic's? Let me know how it is, I haven't been there yet.
  15. Hi! I got some fam in Bucyrus & Shelby...
  16. OsuMj

    Lunch ... ?

    OH! What happened to this thread!!!!! Lunch... where are we going kids????
  17. OsuMj

    Lunch ... ?

    I almost forgot you guys were from coshocton till you said that...
  18. nah, that's pretty common for mens arms.
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