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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. Its gonna be cake hauling you around the dragon this year.
  2. I just started back (today) after an ankle injury in early December. I now have about 11 lbs to lose now, but more importantly, I want to get back to being able to run multiple sub 9 minute miles. My goal is to do a sub 2 hour half marathon. I rode a stationary bike for an hour today and my legs are jello. Tomorrow - arms!
  3. I've never felt the urge to high five a pope before today.
  4. this could be rigged. With all the complaining you've been doing in there about the date not being set, that's got to be like a whole page worth
  5. Agreed Eber, that holster looks pretty great. The only thing I see is covering the trigger guard more if you ever end up making them for bags/purses too (hint hint ).
  6. Dubie, I'm not a big fan of reading either. They don't mean anything, ignore them.
  7. I told you I was gonna hang on to this.
  8. Most of the pictures turned out pretty fuzzy... here's a few
  9. I've got 4 big angels in a 29 gallon tank. I'd like to get some new fish (including a pleco) at some point but am patiently waiting for at least a few of my angels to 'move on'... or for me to be able to get a larger tank. Makes me kind of sad to think these are the last 4 that I have from the hundreds that were in the tank, but it will be nice when I can get some new ones. Good luck finding the fishes a new home!
  10. It wouldn't be a horrible idea to try to park in the group that you plan to take off with before the ride. Whether that is established with signs or just saying medium group in the northwest corner, or whatever, my experience was that finding the group i was trying to ride with as everyone was leaving the parking lot was the most hectic part.
  11. Nice! they look like they're pretty affordable too.
  12. I'm just going to ... uh.... hold on to this.
  13. Thanks again Hoblick! It was fun I hope everyone gets home without vomit on their car or spicy nut stuff in their eyes. It was nice seeing all of you guys again
  14. Did they have more 9mm shields? I know someone who is looking.
  15. http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/store/product/5-supporting-sponsor/
  16. OsuMj


    Surely your most unique remark is pleasing. Much progress is made to remedy.
  17. I like the title Hope he at least protected himself a little bit. I can't imagine a worse place to get road rash.
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