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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. the pic i posted were steel toe
  2. Its easier to decide if they're being a douche or not
  3. NSA Public Service Announcement http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cgo8sm-gBPU
  4. are your boots too small? I've never had that problem on the twisties. I have had my feet go numb on the highway because I don't move my legs for an hour and a half at a time.
  5. I got so excited about my first ride of the season last year that when I put my battery in all charged up, i forgot to tighten one of the terminals. Couldn't figure out what was wrong for 2 days because it was on good enough that I could ride around for about 10 minutes before i would hit enough bumps to have it start cutting out.
  6. those were weird engine sounds!
  7. I've had a few pairs of steel toes and I might get some crap for this, but I always liked my skechers shoes the best. They were comfy and cute ^^ these are 10 years old, I used them through 2 summers in a factory and on countless construction sites. I got to test them out one time when a hydraulic lift sandwiched my foot between it and a platform we stood on... saved my toes and kept the weight off long enough for me to shout to stop the lift. They aren't so cute anymore though. :-/
  8. howard wants to know what motor, but his computer is broke and he's too lazy to pick up his phone and post himself, so he keeps making me click every friggen thread that he's interested in.
  9. My roommate had a dog that was super aggressive to other dogs... howard put him on his side twice and let my dog sniff around and after that they were friends. I don't want to be a jerk, but I don't think that eliminating any homes with other dogs is the right choice. I think if you're being up front about it and letting people know that its a situation that needs work, that should be enough.
  10. we still got her. She's awesome but still scared of howard, but only when we're at home... she's such a weirdo
  11. OsuMj

    My Kid On Cnn

    bummer, did they reschedule him?
  12. I think Killboy was on the skyway too.
  13. I don't remember which of us suggested it, but somewhere in there was my disclaimer that I've never had a passenger before and him shrugging and saying he was going to get his gear.
  14. http://killboy.photoreflect.com/store/Orderpage.aspx?pi=04RK01WG064197&po=4197&pc=4234 http://killboy.photoreflect.com/store/Orderpage.aspx?pi=04RK01WG064205&po=4205&pc=4234
  15. Wow, that is as ridiculous as I imagined.
  16. ^^ funnyjunk images don't work unless you visit their site....
  17. someone needs to post the pic of mykill on the back of my bike so i can see how ridiculous we look from the front. Was it Kman who took one?
  18. ^ that's what the gap looked like when i rode in too!
  19. I just realized that's not the photo that I meant to link. Click left one picture, its the scooter pics!
  20. This is great: http://moonshinephoto.photoreflect.com/store/Orderpage.aspx?pi=0CVY010N070889&po=889&pc=1178
  21. check out yesterday starting aroudn 12:30 for scooter pics
  22. I'm about 115 miles north of knoxville, there was a big backup before Lexington and the rumors at the gas stop were that it was backed up for 3 hours, nobody moving, and that they heard there was a motorcyclist involved. I hooked up with a group of 3 harleys who seemed like they knew where they were going, but I shoulda figured since one of them had balls hanging off the back of the harley that they didn't. They were cool though, and I stuck with them through lexington and hopped back on 75. I felt like i was making pretty good time until that happened, bc I left cbus at 12:30. I agree with ^^ I am going to need a cold beer when i get in ** upon reading the news, the accident involved a deer, a semi, a boat, and an SUV, but no motorcycle. that's kinda funny.
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