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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. I use Sony Vegas Movie Studio... I think it was $40......
  2. might be able to see some tonight. I'm trying to figure out where to see them from
  3. Soooo... you were flying west? Technically that would make you slower than all of us who stayed in Ohio... relative to space, and lets face it, that's the most important frame of reference
  4. They should. I mean, they're pretty scary.
  5. I think we need to start a sub club of OR people who have their NRA instructor license.... you know, exclusive stuff.
  6. This is just about what I'm going to be going with. http://www.burpee.com/gygg/growingCalendarWithZipCode.jsp?catid=1000&_requestid=587106
  7. Yah! You just reminded me that I need to plant my watermelon. I hope, in general, I have a better year than last year:
  8. I put mine (jalapeno and sweet) out in the garden on the day it was 83 outside.... now its cold. Hopefully they don't die. My strawberries are kickin ass right now! I'm pretty excited. I got a couple rows of beans and brussel sprouts too. I'm gonna wait till the end of April to plant the spicy peppers.
  9. omg, i have the worst memory ever. We can meet up on campus this week! Tuesday would work well for me or Monday around noonish.
  10. maybe me.... ? I won't know for sure until the first week of may, but its looking good right now. If someone else is for sure going and needs a spot (or if you guys don't want a chick in your cabin) go for it. I'll post up when I know for sure that I can get away from work.
  11. are you gonna be one of those dudes in the oval strutting around with your shirt off pretending to play frisbee with friends?
  12. at least its still there!
  13. I agree 100%. Gathering info on the person's previous knowledge of the topic may help shed light on results. From what I'm reading, after this initial study (end of January), similar results were gathered from OH, FL and a few other states.
  14. OK, I sort of found info on the study, they don't seem to have an official write up, just cliff's notes really - a poll of 1700 people from (ONLY) VA, NJ, and PA is apparently sufficient to say that 90% of our nation wants background checks for every firearm transfer. Check out the question they asked too - VA and NJ residents answered the question: are you in favor of "requiring background checks on people buying guns at gun shows,"... at gun shows. Only PA people answered the question of if they are in favor of background checks for all gun buyers. I'm hoping that there is another source that has better collected evidence to support using the 90% stat.
  15. I agree completely, if you're not comfortable to sell to someone without a background check/FFL, don't! - it is irresponsible gun ownership in my opinion to sell a gun to someone that you don't know is not a felon or otherwise violent. And the 90% came from a phone survey done by a University with ~1700 participants. I haven't been able to locate the actual survey yet to determine how they conducted the study, or how they chose their participants, or how they concluded that it was 90%.
  16. oh come now, I'm not that bad. I'd say I suppress most of the crazy
  17. Its just so EASY!!! Riders Discount satisfies my crazy woman need to shop and find amazing deals.
  18. I agree with the dropping bike thing. I was pretty thankful that my bike wasn't pretty to start with when I got it. I was already beating myself up over the damage that i did when to it when I dropped it, I'm sure it would have been worse if it actually looked nice to start with. Also, I would say one really important, often overlooked, thing to teach her is how to pick the bike up by herself. I was fortunate that I happened to watch a video on how to do it, then one day I f'ed up on the road (and also once in a parking lot ) and my bike ended up on its side with nobody there to help me pick it up Not that you were asking for advice on what/how to teach her.
  19. I think that sounds right. Good luck to you guys! Hope she likes it
  20. I learned on a 600RR... if you're worried about her going too fast, teach her to not open the throttle too much! Seriously though, I think a 600 is fine.
  21. Hey Welcome Back! Can't Wait To See Pics!!
  22. myyyy bad. didn't know it was a secret Oh well, I'm still excited!
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