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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. OsuMj


    From the album: Misc.

  2. if you just hover over the title, the first line of the thread pops up... like a preview... anyway, the [you] is missing in the preview. So, yah, that's what OR does.
  3. I only cook and clean when I feel like I don't have to cook and clean..... oh and I clean ALOT when I'm pissed off.... which seems easy, right? just piss me off then I'll clean, yeah, for some reason it doesn't work that way.... someone outside of the house has to piss me off.
  4. OsuMj

    Pig Cop

    that sucks. dude was shitty. I wouldn't have been that nice if he was acting like that to me. I've been rearended by a cop in my car, and the guy was super nice. Walked up asked if everyone was OK, apologized, admitted fault, asked if i wanted to file a report. He scuffed up my paint a little bit, but it was an old crappy car anyway, so I said don't worry about it, we're good. However, to be honest, if the dude approached me like that I would have demanded a report and given him a good lesson about being nice to people after you hit them with your car.
  5. I've pretty much always disliked cats, then I became allergic to them.
  6. did you just offer to give tom herpes?
  7. wish I could go to FL. I actually have an aunt and uncle with a condo in florida, so its been on my mind too, but ultimately you have to come home to cold ohio. besides that, I have a conference on the 18th and an unsuitable amount of data for my presentation.
  8. hey! mid 40s, that's somethin.
  9. i was sitting with a sore throat, hot tea, warm blanket yesterday and just longing for laying next to a pool writing my dissertation....... want so bad.
  10. well, i have this elaborate plan that i'm going to ride down a few days early and hike mt mitchell then meet up with you guys there...... we'll see. shut it jrrmmm.... wait, what? I won't rule out bailing. I'm afraid of commitment.
  11. Well, looks like I'm not going to Japan, so I'm 90% on coming. Just gotta sort out a few more things
  12. check. so, now I wonder, who is doing all the housework now? Are our homes just dirtier, or are the men sharing those responsibilities? and if so, why aren't the men thinner????
  13. They still said that this study doesn't imply we should do more housework, as housework isn't as taxing as it used to be with modern technology in place. .... so what to doooo.....
  14. really?? I didn't realize from standing next to you that I have 4" more leg than you.
  15. OsuMj

    Lost puppy

    If you make a FB post, I'd be happy to share. Hope someone finds him.
  16. You've been so grumpy lately . I think you need a hug, and a puppy.
  17. As a potential landlord, are you going to walk up to someone's car and look inside?? I've never had a potential landlord get that close to my vehicle (probably not even within 20') while I'm checking out the place, and i think that would make me a little uncomfortable - its not reasonable in my opinion - so I'm guessing that they aren't saying judge from the messiness inside the car, but rather the general appearance of the vehicle. I realize I didn't make my point very well, but no, how you treat your car isn't indicative of how you treat other people's property (a rental property). Also, if you have an old shitty car, who cares if its dirty? It gets you from place to place and that is its purpose. A rental house/apartment isn't yours to mess up.
  18. ^^ that's awesome guys. congrats. It makes me really happy to see people getting in shape. I started p90x again. not trying to lose any weight in particular, just trying to not lose my breath when the elevator breaks and i have to climb 4 flights.
  19. you didn't offend me, i just think your 'Judge 'em on their cars' opinion is dumb. I think intuitively, people should know not to judge people by their cars. New cars are usually a dumb investment because of how quickly they devalue. How many people who 'can't afford' to pay for their children's food/clothes are rocking new escalades... I've seen a least a few. I've also known more people (I can think of several just off the top of my head) who are relatively rich who drive around old clunkers because cars are not where they want their money to go. So, if you're basing your opinion solely on vehicle, I think you may be pretty disappointed, and you'll probably miss out on some decent renters.
  20. I'm suprised #11 isn't "give consent, then its not rape!" Dude who said some of this is ridiculous. I guess he (they) apologized for offending anyone, but this is still just dumb beyond belief.
  21. noted, and locked in my memory bank for future use.
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