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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. This is part of the reason why I started a small garden this last year. Not necessarily that I'm growing enough food to feed myself, but I realized that I don't know shit about surviving without a grocery store down the road. Anyway, I've learned a lot about a few plants, and I think I'm on my way to actually producing some fruits and veggies for myself I hope that this can just remain a fun hobby and not a necessity.
  2. You're new helmet is sweet! I really like the design.
  3. OsuMj

    Foster Dogs

    If you can't find anyone to do it, let me know. My hours at work are flexible, and maybe Cora would enjoy interacting with another dog for a couple hours.
  4. For me personally, it takes somewhere between 36 and 48 hours for the headache to kick in. Even just a reduction in caffeine can cause a headache (going from 4 cups on one day to 2 cups the next), which is why I always choose to just cut it out entirely, deal with the headache for a day or two, then its done....
  5. I was drinking 6-8 cups a day at one point. Spend a weekend on this, deal with the headache, take some ibuprofin, stay really hydrated and try to sleep off the headache. I usually switch to an energy drink when I'm trying to cut out coffee, energy drinks don't give me withdrawl headaches like coffee does.
  6. I'm 5'7", but i have long legs if that matters... it usually does for street bikes.
  7. this thread is ridiculous. hope i get to go
  8. Have any suggestion for a <$300 bike that can hold up to wrecks well? My crappy bike was stolen a few years ago and I haven't replaced it yet!
  9. I accidentally walked out of a store with a candy bar in my hand (really actually didn't mean to steal it), and my dad pointed it out to me, realized it was an accident, and still sent me back in... I was so embarrassed, I wouldn't have even thought about purposely stealing something, especially after that!
  10. I read this after I ate... feel pukish now.
  11. If you donate anything, they usually give you a blank receipt... I'm saving you a step by telling you this.
  12. OsuMj

    Guns or Women?

    This is all true. No arguments from me.
  13. I have a tax guy too. I move once a year and have difficulties like multiple jobs and fellowships (they don't remove taxes from your paycheck). Plus, when things come up, he handles them. This year, RITA told me they didn't get my 2011 info... I called him, he handled it. Cake.
  14. Just had this randomness show up in my FB news feed... I LOL'd
  15. OsuMj

    fb feed lol

    From the album: Misc.

  16. good to know! I need to renew mine soon. THANKS!!!!
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