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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. I could watch that nature stuff all day. that's awesome. I want vapor punches.
  2. i'm surprised it lasted that long through 3 different moves and sharing the tank with so many other fish.
  3. I lost the momma fish a few months ago. She was probably 4 years old. I still have about 4 angels that i would be more than happy to part with. I have 6 adult angels and a midget (adult, just small).
  4. I'm not opposed to this. OH, and congrats!
  5. OsuMj


    I don't think there's any left.
  6. next time just say "oh my goodness, nobody told you where there stairs are?! Here let me show you!!" or cough *lazy*
  7. Yeah, on campus living is super expensive. All of the housing around campus is either shitty landlords or shitty living conditions. idk why its so expensive to live on campus, but honestly, the whole sharing a living space with people that you don't know well gets really old, really fast. I've had such a bad experience with parking that I dont even bother getting the pass anymore either. I just park off campus and walk in.
  8. OsuMj


    Shield oh, that's just howard, he always smells like that.
  9. OsuMj


    Yeah, but those are his friends or at least people he's accepted as 'friends' enough to be fb friends. This is ~8000 randos, some acquaintances, and a few friends....
  10. OsuMj


    Tried to buy a gun tonight and realized I forgot my license, drove all the way home, got my license, went back, they wouldn't sell it to me because my license isn't up to date with the address I'm retarded... left my post card with updated address in my purse, at home. I'm heading back tomorrow and hoping that the crowd won't be absolutely ridiculous at 8am.
  11. OsuMj


    Nick, send him a PM and ask. I don't think they are my beans to spill
  12. My dog has destroyed a flip flop. Once. That is it. She doesn't get on the furniture, she doesn't chew things that aren't handed to her, she shits in a 4'x4' area in the very far corner of the yard. She sheds, but her hair doesn't stick to my clothing or make my eyes swell shut, so I'm ok with that. Maybe I'm just lucky. I would accept owning an outside cat.
  13. You would think saying "as long as she deals with it" is sufficient. Its not. Those little fuckers get their fur on everything (it ends up in the washer and sticks in some fabrics even when they're "clean"), run around like crazy for no fucking reason in the the middle of the night, bitch when they're hungry even if you fed them already.... Although, I'm allergic to cats and a really light sleeper, so maybe that's why i'm opposed. If you get a cat, get used to having about 10 sticky rollers randomly distributed in your house/car, or hearing the words "oh you have a cat?!"
  14. I had a policy with 2 bikes with them for a year then the next year my rates jumped to an extremely unreasonable higher rate. I called and insisted that since I hadn't made any claims/tickets/accidents that a hike rate like that was crazy. They insisted that I either put a car on the policy (which would not have saved me any money because the car is on a much cheaper policy somewhere else), or lower my coverage substantially to make up for the difference. I found another policy with someone else.
  15. OsuMj


    Monday was friends and family opening Tuesday was contractor opening
  16. So you're saying there's a 15% chance the kid will be normal?? I wish you both luck! Congrats
  17. OsuMj


    I was thinking about it, but since there's so many people there already, I'm not going to. THanks for the heads up!!!
  18. OsuMj


    .... fb friend him
  19. negative imaginary rep and frowny faces :( for smashweights for getting my hopes up. I've got 6-10" drifts around my car that I have to dig now.
  20. right?! I can't wait to get back to living in the country.
  21. yeah! happy belated birthday!
  22. OsuMj

    OR tshirts?

    probably. next time
  23. OsuMj

    OR tshirts?

    mine hasn't been picked up yet. I thought you were bringing it to me
  24. If you don't want to be here, nobody is forcing you. On your original note, the whole helping each other out, going for rides, etc "club" thing, that's kind of what we do already. This is a group of (generally) really good people who help each other, ride together, have social events, etc. I'm sure if you calm down and stick around you'll see that... or you can keep talking trash and I'm sure everyone will just make fun of you. Good luck.
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