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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. I went hiking with some friends in tennessee and the waitress thought the buckeye leaf on one of their hats was a marijuana leaf.... weirdos
  2. i started getting grey hair when I was in my early 20s.... I also have a really peculiar blond patch on my right side. My family jokes about how with the way i act, it should have all been blonde
  3. OsuMj

    Harlem Shake

    Is it ironic that you used an internet meme saying to state that you are disappointed in a fad that was spread through the internet?
  4. I'm from Monroeville originally, but part of my family moved to Shelby after i graduated, so some of my stuff went there too... I worked at the YMCA there for a little while too.
  5. I had planned to stay home and attend the local OSU branch in Mansfield both to save money and to help take care of the family. I honestly wanted to move away because I was tired of the town and frustrated with how things were going in my life, but I applied to OSU Mansfield anyway. My acceptance letter said something like "congrats you've been accepted to columbus"... I just went with it. After I worked my ass off to get my undergrad degree while having at least 1 (sometimes 2 or 3) part time job at all times, I worked for 5 months (had them keep me as intern status so that I could work flexible hours ~35/week) and decided I wanted a master's degree to bump up my pay grade. I originally decided to go to business school, had the appropriate test scores etc, they told me they were putting me on the wait list because I didn't have any "full time" work experience. So I'm thinking, I can either sit on a wait list to go to business school and PAY $42K to go over 2 years or I can apply to engineering school and GET PAID.... hmmm, hard decision . Anyway, looking back at it all, I'm glad that I left home when I was 18. I didn't move far away or put myself in a bad financial situation, I didn't leave my family completely, but I allowed myself to start growing - being independent and whatnot early. I think its a great idea to stay on campus your first year if you can afford it. You build a social network, start learning more about yourself than you do at home, I also think it makes a less distracted lifestyle available to study and learn what you're at college to learn.
  6. That's a pretty cool setup ya got there.
  7. I want to fall onto a beach! I fell onto a 'my ampoules keep exploding and I don't have any data to present next month because my material is too unstable and I'm freaking out because I need it to work' working weekend. I'm hoping that I can roll downhill a little bit and land on 'my materials worked so i'm gonna play COD a little bit', but that is unlikely. Maybe i'll go to a tanning bed and pretend i'm at the beach for 10 mins.
  8. This, go join a credit union. Get a loan on it that doesn't have an early pay off penalty.
  9. I fell off the fence onto the "not going" side.
  10. OsuMj


    we're warning people now?
  11. especially if you have a car to accompany you. It takes away some of the hazards of riding across the country!
  12. OsuMj


    Do you know what a troll is on forums in general? Its just someone who says stuff to provoke a reaction... same thing on OR. No worries If that's your nick name, just keep it! :welcome: to OR
  13. *shrug* OSUMJ is phonetic for awesome-J who said anything about liking OSU? btw, this trolling went from hilarious to kinda sad in no time. DO BETTER!
  14. the ranges have been super full lately...
  15. Well, how proud are you that your wiener probably makes OR's most discussed topic list!? right after firearms, hookers and blow, and puppy crushing...
  16. Biffbo, If you would like to see your threads that you created, go to "User CP" and then "Group Membership" and click the box that will include you in Ranting and Raving. Enjoy! ;)

  17. I think the link won't work if you don't sign up for being able to see the R&R section. This thread is great. :penis: OH, and the thread was moved to R&R before slingingchic posted in it.... so clearly someone has seen the new thread location
  18. It really does seem like every list is missing at least one thing. I didn't notice it mentioning glasses/contacts if necessary and also any necessary medication which would be outside of your first aid kit (asthma, allergies, etc). The other thing i was thinking about the other day after the caffeine thread came up, if you had to get out for a few days and had a caffeine dependency, you're going to have a really hard time traveling with a headache for a day or two. The whole idea of keeping a light pack so that you can move faster is so pressing but i'm not sure we do enough for ourselves to make it matter. I wonder how many people with go bags can actually hike/walk 10-20 miles tomorrow if they needed to, then again the next day and maybe the day after that too. Hell, I've known at least 2 guys in the past 5 years that didn't even own a pair of tennis shoes when I met them... how are you gonna hike in your business sketchers?
  19. haaate ticks. they're so gross... anything with 8 legs creeps me out.
  20. he's probably having a really hard time understanding all of the slang we're laying down. . . I'm guessing cock isn't in the vocab yet .... especially since he failed out of OSU.... lol.
  21. give me a break... this is how it read to me:
  22. I can honestly say, I've never seen someone use the word "penis" so many times in one solid thought.... not even in sex ed. On that note: :penis: :penis: :penis: :penis: :penis:
  23. I almost laughed out loud during class.
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