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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. OsuMj


    ... did you take a picture of flies humping?
  2. OsuMj


    Yes, congrats on the weight loss. It's nice to see success stories.
  3. OsuMj


    how is it as far as hitting a wall though? I have a friend that is trying to lose weight and I think she is struggling both with a physical issue that makes it difficult to work out as well as some misinformation about what is actually healthy. I know she tries to do things like get veggie plates at restaurants, not realizing that they drown the veggies in oil and butter, or getting salads from mcdonalds.
  4. OsuMj


    most pills and diets seem to end up with hitting a wall and then regaining the weight back. How does ace do with that? I struggle with weight gain too, but in general I just try to do things that will keep me healthy in general. ~5 years ago, I was 25 lbs heavier and could easily eat 2 chipotle burritos or 8 boneless wings a chicken wrap and a side order of fries in one sitting. I left high school at 100lbs, which is way too skinny, but i was so active it was hard to put on weight. Eating too much in combination with my considerably less active college lifestyle, I put on over 50lbs in 2-3 years (it wasn't alcohol, i didn't drink at all). I spent a couple days drinking a ton of liquids and eating lots of very small meals so that i could shrink my stomach back to normal size, then I started eating normal meals again. I haven't eliminated any particular foods, but every once in a while I remind myself that i'm in control of what i eat and how i feel because of it. I want to feel good and look good more than i want that 2nd burrito and the lethargic feeling that comes right after finishing it. I also used sparkpeople.com for a little while, but got bored of it and stopped using it. I used it pretty much just long enough to realize a lot of the food i was eating that i thought wasn't that bad for me was actually pretty bad.
  5. OsuMj


    Welcome! I'm at OSU now too... i'm a lifer though.
  6. worked on my skillz at the range today mostly with a glock 19. I was shooting alright before, mostly on target. I went with howie this last week and realized my trigger pull was a little messy. That in combination with him constantly telling me to have a better grip (which I think I'm doin pretty good now) put me in much closer to my target. Today i had joe's (awesome!!) assistance helping me with my stance as well as some other general issues and then ran through some drills. Joe did an awesome job of picking out the little things that i was messing up that was keeping my grouping a little bit larger and brought it in pretty close and also gave me some great tips and practice on everything leading up to the shot too - which before this, i believe i was neglecting. Also tried out Todd's keltec (THANKS TODD!!!!!). Didn't hate the trigger pull like i did the lc9, but i think i'm still on a search for a single stack 9mm. Last week, howard and i were discussing drawing if you are being attacked, which led to me having an air pellet 1911 in a holster and him 'coming at me' like an attacker from across the kitchen. I was surprised to find out that out of his 4 'attacks' my thumb hit the mag release 3 times when he tried to take the gun off me as part of his attack, leaving me defenseless. It's good to figure these things out ahead of time!
  7. OsuMj

    New posts.

    You probably wouldn't have to pay me. Every once in a while, I'm like, ooooh what's this button do??? If I have the power to do so, it'll probably happen one of these days.
  8. This board is not biased against women, but for some reason, a lot of women that come here, do so with the "look at me, i have a motorcycle and i neeeeed attention" mentality. That's not what this board is for, and a lot of people find it really annoying when this happens.
  9. I just watched the jingle bell one too... cute.
  10. OsuMj

    March 16th 2013 meet

    I'd like to come but I might be flying to baltimore that day (or worse, collecting last minute data)... :-/ I'll know closer to the date.
  11. It's fine, I'll just stop by around 2 or 2:30 thanks!!!!!!!!!
  12. thanks I was actually planning on going to the range on thursday, so I'll see if I can stop by around 2:30! I didn't have a problem with the weight of the trigger pull, i just didn't like how far back i had to pull it. It wasn't fun, and I think my (trigger finger) fingernail kept catching on something.
  13. OsuMj

    New posts.

    Oh good, it wasn't me messing something up this time. thank goodness I don't have that kind of power.
  14. I will probably take you up on that. :D

  15. Dear Todd, please get into the "what I did in guns" thread and tell me about the trigger pull on the keltec that i so often hear you speaking of :)

  16. I'm 80% leaning towards doing this... What time is everyone getting there friday night?? I'm thinking about visiting a friend in Champaigne friday night, then heading towards indy saturday morning ish.
  17. I suggest more fiber in everyone's diet.
  18. and then tried to give him a high five.
  19. where's the "none of your damn business" box??
  20. I was very accurate with the lc9, no problems getting back on target, just didn't like the long trigger pull.
  21. I tried the glock 26, i liked it but I think i would rather just have the glock 19 if i were to choose between the two. i mean, what's an extra inch in barrel length when concealing? I think the biggest problem for me, unless i'm wearing baggy clothes, is going to be the width... which is why i wanted to try the lc9. Thanks. I'll see if I can find one around here to try out.
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