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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. I would lose my job from missing work from staying home and playing scramble with friends all day.
  2. I don't like twinkies either. I think I had one when I was like 6.... I'm sure it has been at least 15 years since I've had one. Anyone ever try offbrand twinkies? Are they just as good/bad?
  3. I'm really confused... Is there something noticeably wrong with the bike? Can you go buy a new battery, install it yourself, then ride the bike someplace close to get it looked at? Have you considered learning about what kind of things you should be looking for so that you can do this yourself in the future? Youtube has a lot of great videos with very nice simple instructions on how to change your oil, how to tighten your chain, how to check your tires, etc.
  4. Usually, way too much. Food is my largest expense - probably $300-$400 a month mostly because I don't cook. When I'm tight on money I can trim it down to about $200. I'd like to think I eat pretty healthy (in general) too. One big cost for me is drinks, and sadly I don't mean the alcoholic kind. Since I have to try to avoid kidney stones, I'm constantly buying drinks at gas stations and vending machines, sometimes 2 or 3 a day...I drink as much (tap) water as I can stand. I thought for sure I was going to get a kidney stone in denmark when they were charging $3 for a glass of tap water... I was like heeelllll no, that should be free.
  5. I just fb stalked you for about 15 seconds (creeeeeepy ) and discovered that you've rode 50,000 miles in 2 years? Awesome. good for you. I've found time for about 3,000 over the past 2 years... but then again, i'm starting to doubt i'm a real biker anymore
  6. It's from an old drama thread... its just a joke now...
  7. I know 2 people that have gotten degrees at franklin and the both work at a r&d company. One of them was my boss, so I think it is respectable.
  8. right? I did learn something from the last summer and winter beer fest - wear more comfortable shoes (winter), and bring your own food (summer)
  9. I wonder what the efficiency of the process is for removing water from air. I made an approximation of a typical ohio weather condition and estimated that they would have to remove all (taking outside air to 0% humidity) of the water from 1100 cubic feet of air in order to get a half liter... this might be a little off (or really off if i messed up the calc from doing it without thinking a lot), I found quick values of density from the interwebz and eyeballed a psychrometric chart.... Its an interesting idea and I think I'd like to know how the efficiency compares to simply cooling the air and using the water from condensation. - which, by the way, I'm too lazy to figure out why we don't use our AC water condensation to supplement our toilet flushes... maybe not enough water to make it worth the effort of making the plumbing.
  10. I heard a story from today that some dude stole another dude's parking spot and the last of the item that he came to buy, so he set the guys care on fire..... my details aren't good, and I have no confirmed report, so this might be all made up.
  11. Logistics ben!! I black friday shop in mansfield or sandusky because they are less crazy there, and there are less people, and because I have someone to go with then. If I go in cbus, I'm on my own. ALSO, if i go drunk, i might slap a bitch.... i'm normally the one observing the crazy, not really being the crazy (in my mind at least).
  12. I was thinking about doing this instead of black friday shopping.
  13. I'll say, no, this specific incident isn't what makes you an asshole.
  14. OsuMj

    Road rage

    this is the appropriate way to end road rage.
  15. and thank you for not opening at midnight. I can get a little sleep now
  16. I remember someone telling me google tracking the spread of the flu by search terms.
  17. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/19/sgi-twitter-heat-map_n_2138726.html kinda interesting - there is a use for twitter! You guys see that area around the mountains, where there's very little twitter action? That's where I want to live. They also tracked for the election
  18. JRMMMMMIIIII is a marathon arguer. He will argue with you till you're blue in the face and continue arguing whether he believes in it or not. I actually just got bored with this discussion with him and decided to go study thermal conductivity instead. Yeah, that's right justin, your discussions more boring than phonons .
  19. ^^ The other day a guy friend of mine posted on FB: I don't understand why women wear push up bras, it just sets us up for disappointment. I responded: I feel that way about when men wear clothes in general. he was a good sport about it.
  20. I definitely don't struggle with that fact. Again, my point was simply that I want facts about walmart, not people's emotions about their situation. I'm not making a profound statement about whether walmart is good or bad. There are probably quite a few "Walmart came to town, stimulated the local economy and now I have a low paying job, but at least its a job and now I can survive" situations out there as well. So should we play off of those positive emotions too? Most of the time I just hear the negative, so if you're going to use the negative stories to paint a picture, I think you should use the positive ones as well. Fact would be something like - walmart has directly caused X eliminated jobs at Y income, and only created P number of jobs at Q income. Emotion (which is a lot of what I'm hearing) is - Sally lost her job and it scared her so she hates walmart. You should relate to her emotions and hate walmart too. I'm not saying that I don't have empathy for her situation because I know a lot people that I care about (and some I don't so much care about) that have gotten themselves into tight financial situations (including myself) and losing a job would probably tip them over the edge of not being able to get by. Maybe I take too much personal responsibility for my life outcomes.
  21. You're straying from the topic. My point is that so many people try to use other people's emotions about why we should all hate walmart. Give me some FACTS (and not the kind that are skewed to make me want to hate or like them - the kind that let me analyze the actual situation and form my own decisions) that tell me why I should hate walmart, and there's a good chance I will listen. I'm not going to hate walmart because someone who made a few poor life decisions cried and shook because she lost her job - although I think a lot of people would mistake their empathy for her situation as something related to how walmart is 'bad'.
  22. I dont think this thread is there yet. It still seems to be in useful debate area. Things usually go into R&R when the ranting and raving begin.
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