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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. well, I was thinking you should do your "limits" row the other way. It won't be helpful to know the lower limit of your min column, right? Its more helpful to know the upper limit of your min column. so if you do MAX(B2:B6) and MIN(C2:C6), that will give you an operable range. Then, you can make one column, just to the right of that =IF(B7<C7, "operable range", "no operable range")
  2. i'm sorry i'm smarter than you jrmmmmm. I didn't realize i hurt your feelings so bad.
  3. You could do a range row and do the max of the min column, and the min of the max column, then if the first one exceeds the second one then you've got a problem anyway.
  4. me neither... they seem knowledgeable, but they are about 50/50 on whether they're right or not.
  5. odaho had a good idea with the min/max commands. I don't think excel liked the array i was trying to give it.
  6. try this: =IF(OR(C8<MAX(B2:B7),C8>MIN(C2:C7)),"stop","good")
  7. I meant c8 instead of c7. i still haven't tried it, but i already noticed it was wrong.
  8. something like this: =IF(OR(C7>C2:C6,C7<B2:B6),C7,"stop") didn't try it yet...
  9. OsuMj


    I can never get any fish pics to turn out. I think I need a brighter light... or my fish need to stop moving.
  10. OsuMj


    Took this in the charred portion of the Mojave Desert: This was one of my first digital attempts at leaving the shutter open for a bit. Its the moon over Las Vegas: This is Racetrack Playa in Death Valley. There are large stones in the dried lake bed that "move on their own": And a huge ass spider I came across in the garden:
  11. OsuMj


    I like landscapes and candids of people... I did a wedding once, and it was fun, but I think I enjoy wandering around taking photos of things better.
  12. OsuMj


    I forgot I was in this group.
  13. nope, osu campus kohls. pretty empty. You were in mansfield and didn't get black friday 2am coffee??? we're not friends anymore.
  14. I ended up swinging by Kohl's on the way home from mansfield. I got there at 3:20, spent 10 minutes picking out my boots, 5 minutes in line, got $90 boots for $17 ($29.99 black friday special, $10 coupon, 15% coupon).
  15. I'm glad that a large group of people are assembling and practicing their rights to protest. I wish they were more clear about their goals. I also wish that nobody in their group was lazy or greedy because I think their point would be better taken. I also wonder how many of them would change their mind about what they are doing if they had to survive in a 3rd world country for even a week on the $1/day incomes that many people have... why are we so entitled? I blame the media (only half joking).
  16. It sucks when you are with someone that you don't like their family Its pretty rare when my family can get through a holiday peacefully and it usually puts my SO in an awkward situation... but I usually try to be fair and make it up to them...
  17. :loveturkey:I wish... I could use a beer. Happy thanksgiving!
  18. idk what i'm buyin yet, but this is one of the few bonding activities that my family peacefully gets through each year. can't wait!
  19. I haven't made a room res, so if you end up having an extra, let me know, I might take it
  20. I know right! which OSU trash are we talking about here?
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