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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. This mid 30s dude has it completely right. Steak limit? come on. I'm voting for going someplace that doesn't have shitty service and a 30 minute wait for a grilled cheese sandwich.
  2. thank goodness I dont know where a thorntons is. reese's cups are my favorite, and I really don't need to be getting them for free.
  3. If its one or the other, I would IDEALLY rather just be patted down, but I hate people touching me that I don't want touching me. I get weirded out when in a line and the same person bumps into me more than once. So, I don't mind just doing the scan, its quick and nobody is putting their hands all over me, but w t f, I did the freakin scan, why am I still getting patted down? Oh, and the rest of you. pervs
  4. OsuMj

    Springfield1911 @ 20ft

    ... the target was boring me, I was aiming for the circle on the 9.
  5. I did it for ~3 weeks, not super strict, but pretty much every day and I could tell that I was definitely stronger and felt better. I didn't follow the diet, but I did cut calories, and ended up not losing any weight, but I think I just put on some muscle. I also know someone who did it for 6 weeks, same deal, and he ended losing good weight and getting muscley pretty quick.
  6. I'm getting picked for these freaking scanners every time I fly now it seems like. Today, they even felt the need to pat me down even though I went through one. I'm about to stand somewhere with a sign and start a whole big thing. Anybody wanna occupy the airport with me? srsly though, it really pisses me off... if you're gonna pat me down anyway, at least don't make me send my naked image to some (potentially) undertrained perv in another room.
  7. OsuMj


    the gas lid problem was on the kawi. It was exposed to some elements as well
  8. OsuMj

    cleavers birthday haha

    good observation ben
  9. OsuMj


    Oh... yeah, I don't think I ever mentioned my gas lid problem on here, but idk. Mine was needing regular WD-40 and eventually had to be replaced, but it was "workable" for a year or two with the WD-40 hammer method
  10. OsuMj


    lol, gravedigging again i see.
  11. probably. I don't make it around too many of the buildings anymore. I switched from facilities and project planning to the materials dept about a month ago. I didn't have enough time to manage full projects during the school year.
  12. I've been an intern since June 2006... I wonder when my audition will be over
  13. " Course work includes matlab, turbocad, and solidworks " " Proficient with tools such as...."
  14. ^agree with all of this, and use the same verb tense! If you can't use correct grammar on your resume it looks bad.
  15. Everything that jblosser said is dead on... and, make sure that you emphasize activities that you are able to do as a team and as an individual. my resume has things like "worked on a team to accomplish..." and "lead a team...." and "worked individually to..." and I think it really helps.
  17. what if i said: many women tend to follow their emotions, but many men tend to follow their peni. Just saying.... emotional decisions - usually bad, peni made decisions - usually bad. Its not just women that be crazy.
  18. OsuMj


    I think her swim suit is on backwards.
  19. OsuMj


    ^I'm thankful for the placement of the word "fail" in that pic.
  20. OsuMj


    first thread I clicked on today is a fail thread? Good job cooter :trophy:
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