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Everything posted by Kosmo

  1. Kosmo


    Panda = MJ.......and the knights = rest of you....ok.....us
  2. It was great meeting ya all....nice write up Lost.......that's what we did....and yah..I had my atomics again as usual......came back home then found out.........my kid have a sleepover so after coming home took the wifey to west 6th and came back at 2 AM yikes....so I am still sleepy...west 6th had some HDs not a single sportbike......I will upload the pics tonight....
  3. yay......I am heading out......soon.....
  4. waiting too.....for the 4 o clock call.....
  5. http://www.accuweather.com/us/oh/cleveland/44101/city-weather-forecast.asp?partner=netweather&u=1&traveler=1 Well waiting for the call around 4 PM.....
  6. I have small 10 gal with the most inexpensive fishies..guppy, platy, molly, zebra, rosey barb and two cat fish...enough..... V4....those are real niice fishies..thanks for sharing
  7. Kosmo

    101 0065

    shiny tail pipe......
  8. Thanks for the rep and comments Sir ! and offcourse for spreading the luv sauce....yak.....yo...fugger.....

  9. About 40% chance of rain....even if 1 guy is in I am in....and I like riding wet.....
  10. that's why ya looooooooooooove shitty:p Jaay Kaay:D
  11. Thanks for all the wishes everyone....much appreciate it.... ......had a good sweet time with family and now going out for naughty time with friends My daughter baked a cake and decorated all by herself....kinda cute
  12. ha ha ha....no way....the members of the DTC have an inside joke......we are all sheep fuckers.........ha ha ha......ol dirty bastards......have a good one man

  13. Check again, I edited it but the monster energy is gone...I will send the guy a email..take care man

  14. I have a the escort passport 8500, one of the best in the market, pricey, but needless to say it paid by itself. The instant on lasers are the most dangerous (and not very common).....it detected every one of them precisely.....I only have it in my cage....planning to have a mount on the bike and a wireless set up with a flashing LED next to my visor called HARD.... See these... http://www.radarbusters.com/ http://www.radarbusters.com/motorcycle-radar-detectors/6524+6529.cfm
  15. hrm.....somebody is so hood though......... Jaay Kaay
  16. My pipes are loud (not as HD straights) but I ride even 5th 6th in the city...keep it 3K-4K and from a redlight stop...I don't punch and shift at 3K to top gears.....If I want to keep it silent I can......simple....but good to know I ride down that area.....
  17. Goodluck....you will be just fine....:trophy:
  18. :lol:something kid missed......
  19. or....I will come and geta ya.......
  20. what's the cop story dude shit had to miss the event great pics kid anyway
  21. Knockouts : Meeting at 5 PM Rolling at 6 PM 6425 Pearl Road Parma Heights Quaker Lube and Steak 5935 Canal Road Valley View jmatczy that dude Vulcan_Rider Kosmo doorstander krzwhtman JBartolucci4 OfcMav jacknjinx Likwid Lost1888 woot.......anyone else................. Directions
  22. there are four more inaccessible tight ones
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