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Everything posted by Kosmo

  1. OK I am in.....just next to naked then.....
  2. OK...I might show up...shorts, tshirt, sandals....do I need to finish a six pack before coming as well......is a helmet allowed ??? Deathwish in Isle of Mann is expensive....I will do it in my backyard....and @that dude I nominate you to be the president of the foundation to raise money and send my kid to college.....(you can keep 10% for beer and strip clubs)
  3. Kosmo


    why you put pee instead of oil in ur gixxr....Amsoil..... ??? and what dunlop ???? sportmaxs, qualifiers.....have to be specific dude......
  4. Kosmo


    yo....you gotta friend here too..."that dude"......
  5. just back home from a midnight solo ~100 mile in the cuyahoga valley....saw a deer didn't bother me ....followed by a boston heights cops lucky.....ran the plate and lemme go.....and that's it..... here is the route.....
  6. if it's not a downpour I will either QSL valleyview or here.....or somewhere anyone out tonight ???
  7. i ride my bike like scooters then.......
  8. Happy Bday...thanks for the entertainment.....
  9. Niiiice review.........very cool......Madmax and I rode 536 last year back and fourth.......maan that's a serious road........was there gravel or was it clean.....
  10. 5 while goin wasn't bad.....nice scenery....and we waved to a guy on motorcycle and he waved back and we understood he was a cop 90 on return but the mishaps kept us entertained so it wasn't boring either cops, spills, chills (it was 55-52)
  11. ^^^^ Inyazz wants coke in/off ya azz........:lol:
  12. Well still a fuuuuuuuuuuuuuun ride.....and eating a whole cow at the Texas Roadhouse...Monster NY strip steak in NY From the right Kosmo's Ninja, Blitzburgh's busa, Magley64's Blackbird, Turbo810's busa, Gojira's busa, Fonzie's tigger blackbird At the Niagara parking lot From Left : Blitzburgh, Fonzie, Gojira, Magley64, Turbo810 From Left Gojira, Turbo810, Magley64, Fonzie and Kosmo
  13. Hrrmm....a HD took my regular spot.....but glad to see a green ninja, a repsol and couple others.....nice guys.....
  14. Very niiiice........thanks for sharing......
  15. Never ever......most of the crash happens when people try to keep up.....ride your ride.....it will come.....catch them at the next stop/light/talk it up....my 2 cents.....
  16. welcome .....sweet ride.....and another Kawi....
  17. very nice pictures......thanks for sharing
  18. what ??? I ride a black monster energy ninja....you mean that plastic taped R6 taillight or something, sometimes I see I park in BRB and some times at garage 53.
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