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Everything posted by Kosmo

  1. Kosmo


    interesting people of an interesting country
  2. good to know that you guys made it OK.....pics please......
  3. I ride to work everyday rain or shine
  4. Have fun guys....hit home at 4.00 AM after our Niagara trip......so I am keeping the day for the family......be safe.....and have fun guys.....
  5. Kosmo


    congrats man....enjoy...
  6. :lol:Kumar is so f***ed up and trying to be sober in the white house
  7. july 13th monday oh shit...that was last year Yeah and I was pulled over in Macedonia at 96 mph in rain.....and that cop ruined my day for taking 50 minutes to give that ticket....and missed that ride...
  8. one when he was born and the 2nd day when baby fonz was dipped in water
  9. Kosmo


    Lucky ya MJ...I rode with Cleave and followed that F4...it's a sweet bike and yes you can run it hard.... So you are a :trophy:
  10. no more pics.....or what....just that pancake...... my manboobs are better than that......
  11. Kosmo

    LF some gear

    If you are in Northfield go to the Ohio Motorcycle in Oakwood...they have HJCs and some lesser ones and top of the line Arais, Suomy etc. they have deals in many of them and you can get a price close to Internet deals or the best idea.....if you are buying a specific brand try in the shop then buy online as suggested.....If you go to ohio motorcycle look for Steve in the parts section and tell Kosmo send you...
  12. Don't you think it's time we all became more physically active? Beginning June 9th,a few friends & I will be riding 10 miles every day. If any of you would like to join our Bike Club, please let me know and we can make arrangements. I think it would be appropriate to ride somewhere between 4:00 and 7:00 pm. We can call it happy hour, and pick you up on the way. Let me know if this works for you. I have attached a photo of my bike.
  13. Hello I am not far South Euclid...on the east side of Cleveland...welcome to the gang.....
  14. Glad that you are OK......what a couple you guys are...... zerocrash and onecrash.....kidin kidin.....hope zero is taking good care of you....take it easy...don't we get hurt in other sports.....collect yourself....take your time and go back out there with more experience.......gooodluck and best wishes
  15. Kosmo

    ride starter

    niagara.......saturday....dtc ride
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