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Everything posted by sciongirl

  1. so when you get a chance card, how do you keep it for later? just.,. discard? or does that throw it out?
  2. one more question.. how do i keep getting money? i thought it was that rent came in once a day? i was at 1,000... i refreshed and now im at 1,500??
  3. it doesnt list the street in the available streets...
  4. it wont let me buy my street... any ideas why? i have money, its small.. and no one else has it.
  5. im trying to play this game and... i think i have enough money but its not letting me buy any streets? is there a help or something somewhere? i own one street and its small
  6. i think ill pass only coz i dont wanna mess up your league with my laziness. but maybe ill join a free league just to mess around and see if i like it.
  7. you scared me when you said i had to do all 82 games lol
  8. i might try this.. im trying to keep up with hockey again but ive never dont fantasy leagues for it... and if its not yahoo leagues, im not doing it. other sites suck.
  9. well i posted a link to the place........ grrrrrrr
  10. the address is SOCIAL SECURITY 4177 EAST BROAD STREET COLUMBUS, OH 43213 mine needed to be ordered. they do give you a temp paper until you get it.
  11. yep i just went to this office few weeks ago. but we had ID... maybe a utility bill or something like that? bank statements? i dunno... but this place was pretty fast and it took a couple weeks to get in the mail. good luck https://secure.ssa.gov/apps6z/FOLO/Controller
  12. it'll never get an award but i went to see Team America thinking id hate a puppet movie.. but its one of my favorites to watch. i never saw The Notebook.. i also liked Conspiracy Theory.
  13. glad you guys are alright.. that is scary though. someone was looking out for you for sure
  14. i am not surprised kanye did this.. but its really sad. this guy makes millions and is so ignorant and blind to respect. gay
  15. wow they think we are the best once beatin' team. better than oklahoma? hmmm
  16. once again, our def kept us right in the game and our offense couldnt take advantage. srsly.. they punted from their own end zone 3 times and we couldnt even get a field goal???? ooh and they were nice enough to give us a safety and STILL couldnt come up with our own points. so frustrating. i put this loss on tressel and on pryor. i agree with LJ, tressel has been making the same coaching mistakes for a while now, when is he going to learn/try something else?? i dont think he needs to be fired but he needs to wake up. and pryor.. well ive voice my opinion on not liking him and i going to hate him for a few more years. unfortunately, they put so much trust and time into him.. im calling it now, he wont have a good grasp of being a QB even as a senior. i dunno if we were out of field goal range on our last drive but he took a fucking sack!? seriously? ive never been so frustrated at the buckeyes, and the big ten for that matter. why cant anyone else around us step up and help us out. and yes i know.. penn state.. well they need to continue doing it.
  17. thats the same jill from wipeout!? shes hot!
  18. i was at work (same job as now) and i was talking to a buddy of mine who worked for the dispatch. before anything was out on cnn/fox/any news outlet, he goes "oh we got some news that a plan ran into a building in nyc, gotta go!" at the time.. no one knew how important those events would be....
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