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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. TimTheAzn

    Snow days.

    Buy that man a beer.
  2. TimTheAzn

    Snow days.

    yup, same, 1 day.
  3. I wish I had that helmet when I met Neegan........
  4. TimTheAzn

    Snow days.

    Probably the same person in charge of calling off class at OU. There were some days where I could barely WALK to class. Can't imagine what the professors had to go through just to get to campus.
  5. TimTheAzn


    Theres a business that does guided tours all over the world, from Italy to the mountains of California and have track days included at whatever famous track is nearby.
  6. Bump. Keep voting guys and gals. Please only vote if you seriously intend on attending so the results arent skewed.
  7. He's got it way too good now to start again. He is still allowed to test the top machines but none of the pressure of actually racing.
  8. I wish I shelled out the re-new fee for motogp instead of just cancelling it at the end of the season. Now I dont want to buy the whole package again. Stone was fastest in testing wasnt he?
  9. TimTheAzn

    Snow days.

    Hah, so many people from my office are wfh today.
  10. I use typically use the term CHL when taking about the license but I knew this made you mad so I said CCW instead ?, now if you'll excuse me, I have some glock clips to load.
  11. He'll probably attach it to a grenade or a claymore.
  12. I drink at the bar and have a ccw. I just dont actually carry or have it in my car when I go out to the bar.
  13. Like Triumph had a booth there. I did finally find a helmet that I'm going to wear when I go 2 up with @Tonik
  14. I took monday off as well just in case.
  15. A football running back. I meant turban. Thanks for the grammar check you nazi.
  16. Not ready to buy another. Havent even nabbed track bike from PA yet.
  17. Yea? I have the turbin osama bin laden was wearing when freedom knocked on his door and shot him in the face.
  18. TimTheAzn

    Katana Hate?

    I liked this because you were tied with Jim for rep this week.
  19. TimTheAzn

    Katana Hate?

    It was more so for this part "never had a wheel lockup that wasn't on purpose. "
  20. I have a motobecane in my garage and a trek back at my parents house.
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