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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. You should come to the NEO meat and great with one of your special dishes. And so other members can finally meet this elusive Bad324 that has an awesome pool table.
  2. I mean, I'd eat it. The food I mean....
  3. lol you are so proud of this dish.
  4. Well, looks like Aug 21(Mon) has won. Submit your PTO requests ladies and gentleman! @Isaac's Papa @2talltim Could one of you gentleman please close the poll?
  5. Yup, wanted to give everyone a fair chance. I saw I got a few more votes in between yesterday and today but had to cut it off for that reason.
  6. Ok, I'm going to close it (and when I say I'm going to close it I'm going to have an admin close it) around lunchtime. Get your last minute votes in!
  7. If a 170whp gsxr1000 is your definition of turd, then what do you call your bike?
  8. Thinking about how much gas I'm going to have to bring down there....
  9. Same, lol I'm still planning on buying one to hopefully see some sort of progression lol. I'll never how a new line or changing a brake marker etc will affect my lap time if I dont know what I'm running to begin with.
  10. Crappy weekend overall. The one bright spot was getting this delivered on sunday thanks to Ron and Dan.
  11. My question is, why are you buying this? Edit: Arent*
  12. Knowing @Isaac's Papa , he'll figure out when the mid-o day is and he will schedule that dumb bi-sexual ride the same day. I'll also poach the weather, thats why I got certs
  13. It was red right? He also had a no squid sticker. A white squid with a red circle and line through it? I turned for home right before you wadded the TL.
  14. Alrighty guys, next week sometime I'm going to.. (wow just noticed a close race between May 14 and Aug 21) close the poll. For the Aug 21 guys, is that May 14 a hard no? It's a sunday. Which is good and bad, it's early in the season, but it's also the only weekend track day so who knows if it'll be crowded or not.
  15. You cant compare the bandit vs the f4i. They arent even the same motor lol.
  16. Yea thats the same guy that had that no squids sticker on his windscreen right?
  17. Yea my options are limited right now because of crack days.
  18. Ideally, I'd want something that I can haul the mail on for 500 mi a day.
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