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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. LOL well, I guess I'll start looking for a genny to power those warmers I bought last night. ?
  2. Pick a day in the poll so we can get a rough idea of what day(s) seem the best I suppose. I'll go any of those days.
  3. TimTheAzn

    Katana Hate?

    I've ridden all of those and liked them far better than the katana.
  4. TimTheAzn

    Katana Hate?

    I'd rather ride an sv650 or something along those lines, you can find them competitively priced. I dont think id ever ride a katana, I think they are super ugly.
  5. Plugs arent bad (unless they changed the process for the 14's.) just time consuming. Never did the other stuff personally.
  6. I'd get arrested so fast..... oh wait, they'd have to chase me through back yards and trails n shit. Nvm.
  7. No one here runs from cops.
  8. Are phone's gps refresh-rates even fast enough to provide an accurate reading? Also, radar/laser guns are supposed to be calibrated on a schedule. Maybe it was off as well compounding the issue. I believe one of my friends got out of a ticket (because he loves fighting in court for some reason) and he was able to pull the records of the radar/laser gun the cop used when he got clocked and it was past it's scheduled calibration and he got out of it. He was totally speeding but
  9. I'll buy you Thurmans if you buy another bike again. Edit: And ride it.
  10. I mean you enjoy my presence, so whats that say about you?
  11. Added a poll to the other thread in Track is Crack. Pick a day that works best for you!
  12. Added a poll with some dates! Everyone pick which day works best and we'll see where we end up!
  13. LOL. I enjoyed it. Days of our lives, not so much. You are showing your age
  14. Ah makes sense. Looks like I'm a terrible person then. I'm ok with that.
  15. Not sure what this is trying to prove, but I wouldnt be eating any of those damn skittles.
  16. @Casper Are you able to add a poll to a thread after the fact?
  17. Hey, I liked that show. The ending was shit tho.
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