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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. N2 has something going on almost every weekend once the season starts not sure how they would schedule around it. Plus, Mid-O usually does stuff on Monday/Tuesday? Wouldn't get in the way of a Sat/Sun N2 weekend.
  2. It's because Jinu no longer loves us either. Don't you put me in with Brian, I am for sure replacing it within the month.
  3. Tons of leads. But I've already spent enough money for now.
  4. lol idk how many street rides i'll be doing in 2017. I wont have a street bike.
  5. @Tonik @blue03636 @2talltim @Casper @Danimal Wow, guess we don't count guys......
  6. Planning on venturing to any other tracks?
  7. How many days at Mid-O are you planning this year?
  8. Brandon aka @TRMN8TR builds modified headers for our bikes (he was one of the previous owners of your new daytona) and it will de-cat the bike. Fireballz fo days and you can run dat race gas. I was going to do this before deciding to sell and go a slightly different route. He knows these bikes in and out. As soon as I have your cash in hand @Perception I'll be able to announce my new baby. Look forward to meeting you this weekend.
  9. Don't want to say anything until it's set in stone but you guys will find out when everything has gone through.
  10. This is what I got FS/FT Updated, found more boxes
  11. I live directly behind St. Ed's in lakewood haha.
  12. No its someone on the board. I'll let him speak up if he wants lol.
  13. Sold pending delivery. Ready for the hate
  14. It's like a clay bar, for the inside of your engine!
  15. Finally! No more jeans for you!
  16. Mostly for home+shooting. I want to be able to carry when I want to.
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