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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. My ass already hurts just looking at that. Sent from my iPhone
  2. I would like to get a new chain installed and get my suspension set before this. Any good places to get that done up here? Sent from my iPhone
  3. lol I agree. Plus after NinjaDoc showed me what a VFR can really do kinda makes me want to get one in addition to my CBR. I don't think I could give up my CBR tho. It's like my first child. Ill keep an eye out for the NEO group meet up thread. Sent from my iPhone
  4. Gonna ride down with me josh? Or am I gonna buy another mount for your trailer? Sent from my iPhone
  5. I'm coming from NEO! Riding from NEO to a hocking, riding around hocking, and riding back to NEO was probably the best and worst time I've ever had on my bike. I was hurting after that one. I won't be doing that this time. Sent from my iPhone
  6. I may be down, depending on weather. Riding from NEO to where I went to college (OU) is going to be a pita tho. Anyone else riding down from NEO or have an extra spot in/on their toy hauler? Sent from my iPhone
  7. Hmm, lmk if you decide to part anything out. Sent from my iPhone
  8. Ahhh so I guess this thread can be closed or moved... I got this bad boy today. Sent from my iPhone
  9. Do it! And sell me yours Sent from my iPhone
  10. I've been looking into the Savage Mark II FV more and more and the more I look into it, the more I want one over a 10/22 hmmmm Sent from my iPhone
  11. So who's ready to get rid of their .22 Sent from my iPhone
  12. Ill be in Columbus this weekend BTW Sent from my iPhone
  13. Hahaha now now kids.... Sent from my iPhone
  14. Haha well hopefully you guys decide to sell before my lack of patience gets the better of me.... again Sent from my iPhone
  15. Hmmmm that looks pretty nice... Sent from my iPhone
  16. I'll be out and about up in NEO! Sent from my iPhone
  17. Yes Sir!! Haha figure I'd put feelers out there too.
  18. So what would be a few years ago? A gun made in the mid to late 2000's?
  19. Yea I am making a trip to Gander tomorrow to browse around. Thanks for the suggestions guys! Keep em coming!
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