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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. Have u been able to determine what caused the low side? Sent while riding.
  2. And asked him to.... Sent while riding.
  3. Yea that's funny this came up Sent while riding.
  4. Haha nice pics doc! Can't wait for some footage.
  5. Woot! Got caught in a pic. Dunno what my face is doing LOL
  6. If the gearing is as good as whats in their cars, it's amazing
  7. I like the bumbleberry.... And gogglefogger
  8. Beautiful bike. Nice pick up.
  9. Amen to this. If you say you are his friend and you would be scared, I would convince him otherwise. But if he still wants one there's nothing that can stop him u less he fails a background check. Just remind him that the decisions that you make while you carry could change your life forever. IE if he fucks up, he's gonna be having mood swings in prison.
  10. You get to see my ass in it how could it be boring lololol
  11. The ratio of gopros and other video cameras I saw vs the number of videos posted is disappointing... I hope that means people are editing.
  12. Great ride guys. I apologize I am terrible with names but thanks to the yellow cbr that towed our "medium slow" group around. We had a blast.
  13. I wish more women had your attitude.
  14. Lol and this is where the med group becomes the new fast group
  15. Ahhhh I never knew about the wing... Only of the super hawk
  16. Haha sure didn't look that heavy the time he swept for me last year
  17. Heavy group? You get a new bike?
  18. Avon Lake soon to be Lakewood resident here! :wave:
  19. Can't wait, getting my bike back Friday from Doug at MPH. Fresh forks, Sag set, new rubber boom!
  20. Stump and I are trailering down.... Because we can and because slabbing long distances just to get to a ride takes a lot out of me.
  21. +1 I'm riding solo and I'm starting in the slow group. slow really means med, med really means fast, and fast is well fast. Don't let these guys fool you, a lot of these olde.... er... more expirenced gentlemen really scoot
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