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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. I hope they don't black-light the boat when it comes back when they look it over.
  2. +1 to teaching your kids the limit's around family animals. I've seen plenty of GOOD cats and dogs get extremely ANNOYED when little kids that don't understand how to treat an animal just get up in their face, start grabbing shit they shouldn't. Any living being has a limit of what they will put up with. You think this is a single cat problem, while it might be, if you continue to let your child do whatever they want to animals it's going to happen again with a different one cat or dog. I doubt this cat just came up to your kid and scratched it just because.
  3. Ah. Maybe I had a different version. Mine had integrated turnsignals and brake lights where your reflectors are. It may have been a mod Dan did before I owned the bike.
  4. I had a G26. I liked the slide size, did not like how thick it was being a subcompact. I traded it for a G19 and enjoyed that for a while. (Yea I know I went bigger when I was complaining about size, but I was all about glocks for some reason at the time and the G19 didn't carry and different for me than the G26 did. I did not appendix carry either.) Eventually got rid of the G19 and picked up a 9mm shield (I've always shot shields and XD's better for some reason). It is single stack and roughly the same slide length. Overall it feels smaller and its nice to appendix carry. If I had to go back I would have probably went straight for the G43 but it wasn't out yet. Oh and fwiw the only Ruger I would shoot is a 10/22. Have not enjoyed any of the Ruger hand guns I have shot. And like Tony said, I thought the trigger sucked and I was used to a glock trigger.
  5. Is it a real mtb ride if you don't crash at least once?
  6. I think these were the same ones I had on the SV. I liked them, the ability to open the top part of the bag instead of having to open the entire clam shell was very nice. The integrated brake lights/ turn signals were awesome too.
  7. HAHAHAHA. I still wanna see what his Garmin recorded last friday night.
  8. If you are looking to light money on fire you can sponsor my 2019 track season. You did one track day and are going to not even consider doing it again based on one experience. Doesn't really make sense to me. Especially since you are looking for ways to reignite the passion. It's like girls complaining about getting shit on by dudes, but keep dating the same kind of dudes. I find it hard to feel bad for them.
  9. Maybe it's time you try the track again. And I say that knowing you said it never scratched the itch for you. But its a new challenge, and your competitive nature will take over. I had that same moment at the track as my first real street ride with you, uncle punk, nivin, jerry, etc. When I watched all of you guys seemingly effortlessly just glide away while I was sitting in the back working my butt off I thought "I want to be able to do that." After a few years of putting down miles I felt that I was "there" in terms of street riding. Any faster pace would've put myself that much more at risk. Well sure enough as SOON as I hit the track I realized I wasn't all that (again) and there was so much more to motorcycling than just riding on the street and pounding down miles. I am there with you, Tony but in a different way as I still want to ride, but I am realizing over the last few months that I haven't really had the itch to go back out on the street, like at all. Which is cool with me because I don't think I'm going to buy another streetbike any time soon even though I was planning on having one next year. Plus the more street riding I do, the more it hurts me at the track. I am just now braking (hah get it?) all the "bad" habits I picked up while street riding at the pace. A little over a decade of doing a thing one way and then trying to train your mind and body to do pretty much everything you've been told not to do took a while, but I finally broke through some barriers this year and want to keep that train rolling. If you are seriously thinking about leaving this sport all together, give it another shot. Keep an open mind, yea its the same scenery every lap, but if you're doing it right, you aren't paying attention to the trees and views. Plus, we do the same shit off the bike when we are done riding as we do at the deals gap, hang out, drink, tell each other lies about our lap times, bullshit, all the other good stuff. But instead of waiting for 1 or 2 OR deals gap trips a year, you could be doing this once or twice a month depending on how much money you want to spend.
  10. As long as it doesnt start getting people on motorcycles, that shouldn't ever be on a motorcycle.
  11. PIRC is a pretty technical track with a fair amount of blind stuff. But once you start to get it "right" it is ah-mazing. @what Dan is correct. Idk how your 1000rr pulls but my old 1k I couldn't even rest on the straights as it was trying to constantly rip me off at full throttle. Look forward to seeing you guys there next year.
  12. There have been 7 movies off the top of my head that have already explained why this kind of shit is a bad idea. 6 of them are in the same series.
  13. TimTheAzn

    Hi :)

    Welcome! There are a fair amount of us around that area. South of Akron is usually a meet up spot for rides down south to the good stuff..
  14. Heal up bud. Clavicles aren't fun.
  15. IMO ABS is there for those moments you don't expect, not for pushing the limit of your motorcycle. For some it's a little extra assurance to push harder.
  16. 00 and slugs. Dragons Breath for funsies.
  17. I ride and sv650, I kinda know what youre talking about....
  18. 37 oh wait, yea we need to work on our delivery.
  19. You didn't set me up correctly. You shouldve said 36.....
  20. No hurt feelings here brotha. I accomplished one of the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the season this past weekend.
  21. I own a grom, so I "look down on it" every time I get on it to ride it. It's fun, but for what I'm struggling with right now on the big bike, the riding the mini isn't going to make much of a difference imo. Cant practice going wide open through the second kink at PIRC doing 130mph on a grom or xr. Mini's dont give me the same pucker factor that I need to deal with on the big bike either. Want to end on a positive mini note before all the ORML guys try and jump me again: Minis are fun to ride.
  22. To be fair, you were not riding the fz like you ride the white whale. Probably wouldn't have even been in that position in the first place if you were on the cruiser.
  23. No person on this forum can out-ride the capabilities of the bikes they own.
  24. Dont think I've seen Vale or Marquez on a mini bike since they grew tall enough to ride a full sized bike with the exception of publicity events. They ride supermotos on dirt tracks for training, thats about as close as they come from what I've seen.
  25. I would relate the mini track to your local indoor rock gym and actual outdoor climbing big bikes and big track. @jacobhawkins I'll take the high road on this one. But I can tell you I already know you don't know what your talking about.
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