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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. Rode to work today. Nothing like the feeling of freshly bled brakes.
  2. Does anyone know if there is a twilight the sunday before? (Not showing on Mid-O's calendar.) I ask because you may have to camp outside the main gate as the paddock may not be open sunday night. We ran into that issue this past monday.
  3. Welcome. Cool first bike. Love that motor.
  4. Uhhhhhh, yes please. I didn't buy a single firework this year. I didn't even go to the ones in Lakewood this year either. Next year will be my redemption year.
  5. Bled the brakes on the streetbike again. Removed my forks and sent them to Barnes Bros. In PA for some love, complete refresh and different springs.
  6. LOL I know. Somehow I magically appeared behind the control rider every novice session I ran at Mid-O. Regardless the order we pitted out.
  7. If you are looking to pinch pennies and be "smart" with money. Track Days are not for you. Don't try and introduce logic to track days and racing.
  8. You are talking to a guy with tiny asian hands that make everything look bigger. You get Ben's big paws in there and Jinu wouldn't have as good of a time as if he were to do it himself.
  9. Looks like a few of you met one of my uncles. Thanks for taking a picture with him @JustinNck1 and @DerekClouser.
  10. Have fun everyone. Remember, if it rains think twice about riding, the surface is NOT comparable to the street in the rain, its far worse.
  11. We have also decided not to risk it based on the current forecast. For the people that still decide to go, please feel free to use garage #10 in the middle section of garages. I rented that out and it will not be occupied by anyone.
  12. @CrazySkullCrusher These guys are correct. It is downright dangerous to run when there is any type of moisture. Don't worry about the money, you can redeem this at any Mid-Ohio day for the rest of the year. I actually came here to gauge who is actually going to show up. With the weather as it stands at this time, if it weren't for this event, I would've already written tomorrow off. With that said, I'm not too jazzed to sit in a garage and watch the rain when I could do that at home. I'm just as, if not more bummed about this; some of my family was going to come see me ride. So who is actually going to go, who is going to stay home?
  13. I guess 180 or 190 would work depending on the profile you want. I was thinking about your SV.
  14. Nope not at all. I'm all for random stuff, this has to be up there in terms of some of the most random stuff sold/ attempted to be sold on OR. Only reason I laughed.
  15. Nah that would be andrea iannone.
  16. Gotta look good to ride good.
  17. Where'd you go for that stuff?
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