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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. Yup, they thought it would be good to close one lane on a two lane bridge on a main artery around the city of Cleveland for 5 months. I'd rather them built a new bridge, getting to work is awful now.
  2. Helmet, gloves, luggage. Did you actually go on this trip? Even I knew that!
  3. I'm signed up for the 14th. I think I'm just going to run one day that weekend. Save some monies.
  4. Went through my first "security checkpoint" last night on 150th. Bunch of cops stopping random cars checking for sobriety. I actually felt less secure going through that than I do normally......
  5. I HATE when they have uneven lanes. It usually takes a pretty aggressive move to hop onto the taller lane. They should really consider motorcycles more when they do that bullshit.
  6. I bet he put that on there based on the font of the numbers on his helmet, and the overall color scheme of the bike and stickers. You damn well know one of "us" would've made that not match and made it pink or something. I'm more interested in that arrow exhaust tip that points downward.
  7. Idk, did it amount to $50 total? If so, I wouldn't worry about it. That's what everyone pays lol.
  8. I've been there a handful of times. How easy it is will depend on who is parked where on the street imo. It would be similar to getting your TH to the place in Lakewood you dropped the 1k off to me in terms of street width and 90 degree turns. Less trees though, if I remember correctly. It's been about a year and a half or so since I've been down Sam's way.
  9. I'm spoken for garage-wise. Myself, Dan, and Craig will be in garage 10. Along with some of my family. Hence me wanting the extra room.
  10. First time on the SV there. Can't wait for that back straight, gonna pack some granola bars in my suit so I can grab a snack as I go down it. Excited for everywhere else though hahah.
  11. Same. I hate having to wake up that early to head down there. Maybe I'll sleep in my truck, idk.
  12. Just got off the phone with Mid-O. Plenty of spots open as of right now for 7/2.
  13. There better be walk up spots available. Or I won't be riding. LOL
  14. FYI just got off the phone with Mid-Ohio. Since there is no twilight track day the sunday before, we cannot get into the paddock until Monday morning. They said we can camp outside the main gate sunday night. I just wanted to let everyone know in case that changes anyone's plans.
  15. Not even there but thanks @RidersDiscount
  16. Anyone get porndogged? @Casper
  17. Fine, just leave me hanging in Townsend!
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