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Everything posted by 12oclocker

  1. 12oclocker


    I have had 2 HP Laptops that overheat doing any type of video rendering one core i3 one core i5, the core i3 one will thermal shutdown! if I remove the battery, it gets slightly less hot where it will not thermal shutdown, core i5 intermitant, new oem battery does not resolve problem with core i3, A dell with screen problems, another with hinge problems and CD writer problems, and one that a video card died. and currently 4 acer laptops that have never gave me a single problem, so now I buy acer.
  2. 12oclocker


    I have a LOT of laptops, and have owned every brand, Currently my luck is with Acer, they seem to be the best bang for the buck and most reliable! Dell has always been a bad experience, parts fail often!
  3. not $17, not $18, not $17.50, but exactly $17.22 starting pay.... Unusual Working Conditions: works outside; exposed to dangerous machinery, dirt, dust, fumes & oil; required to climb amusement rides during inspections
  4. someone stole your Honda and left you a Kawasaki?
  5. where their is power, their is corruption, anyone who believes the government is doing everything in our best interest is being naive. Political/personal gain, being re-elected, power, and money; I believe are at the top of the list, the well being of America I'm sure is after all of those things. I believe their are a select few with higher morals, but I don't believe they are the majority at this point.
  6. shadyone guessed it exactly on the nose! 5001! Nice work! (PM me your addy and bike model/year and I'll mail you your DRD!) I did add one extra sticker to the stack to make it 5001 instead of 5000, because I am sneaky
  7. When they catch the guy (I heard they just did), I strongly feel his legs and arms should be surgically removed, and given to the victims, and he should be awake during the surgery without pain meds.... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/9835400/US-soldier-undergoes-successful-double-arm-transplant.html
  8. 12oclocker


    if you want multimedia as well... 17" screen is what I like, and a quad core, get something with 4gig of memory min, 8gig would be better. I mostly use mine for programming, I also like having the numeric keypad on the right side, with dedicated home,pageup,pagedn,end buttons. My main laptop is the aspire 7751, but they don't make it anymore. a newer version of it is out, you would probably like it.
  9. I need to take a measurement from a 2007 Yamaha R1 on my oscilloscope, anyone willing? I estimate it will take about 15minutes, willing participant get's lunch on me. I'm in the Troy area, but can drive up to 45min away if needed.
  10. officer Farva strikes again!, since when is waiting in line at McDonald a "High Stress Situation", Ha!
  11. ends tonight at midnight, everyone make sure to get your guesses in!
  12. I'd like to see those pics too
  13. Jedi squires are getting out of control
  14. holly crap! should have had a warning on that thread! limbs don't grow back, so be careful with them! glad you didnt lose it.
  15. you can see the gravel edge well in this video, and you can see about 50% of the spot is rutted where all the cars clip the gravel and surely are tossing it into the road. I hate it when turn's have those gravel pit edges, dangerous.
  16. craziest race ever, when I am ready to die, I am going to sign up
  17. glad your ok, from the video, the spin of the camera during the wipe out looks like your rear tire slide out, to me the speed does not look too fast for the turn, my guess would be that you hit a bit a gravel, and maybe you didn't see it, it kinda looks like their is a fair amount of gravel on the edge of that turn, and those are always the kind of turns that cars will cut sharp and toss gravel into the turn. even a very small amount of rocks or gravel in a spot can wipe you out. it's hard to tell from the video though. sometimes you have to hit your turns on a road modestly to inspect them before pushing it on them. never know what could be lurking on those turns
  18. a friend on the forum just informed me that he thinks I am not allowed to do the sticker guessing thing here because I'm not a dealer... so if that ends up being the case I will still made good on my promise in the post.
  19. V for vendetta was on last night did you see it? I love that movie.
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