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Everything posted by mrmako777

  1. matt knows his limits, so matt takes it easy. besides, they may look cool, but wheelies arent really my thing. id much rather take the turns! i would figure you would do wheelies since you suck in the curves
  2. we all make mistakes man, but i can tell you that was one hairy turn. im sure youre not the first to go down on that turn. off-camber chicane, with a fkn 3 foot ditch on the right side. be glad you went down on flat ground on the left side
  3. you posted 2 threads dick head!
  4. someone have parts for this guy? i need my riding partner back in the game! glad you made it unscathed tho my man
  5. Isn't it past your bedtime?
  6. with your maintenance schedule, you'll never make it
  7. i will apply this to myself
  8. yeah ive seen videos where they actually dunk you under water, pull you back up, pour water over your face, wait, repeat
  9. call me weird but i would do it just to see what it is like...
  10. youre not invited queer boy
  11. Nick/wrillo, I have to work this weekend but if you guys are down next weekend ill b free. I've been telling these cincy boys how u throw that couch around nick, come down so u can be like a mile ahead of me
  12. mrmako777


    that is one fine woman...yummy!
  13. im not going...nate youre the leader tonight...make me proud!
  14. Do I want to see you smoke luke...yes
  15. just PLEASE make sure you make it out tomorrow...nate has been getting cranky since youve been gone...i think he misses you
  16. didnt we already discuss this?
  17. Not sure if ill b in or not man since its supposed to rain. On days like today, there prolly wouldn't be very many ppl up there anyways.
  18. JERK!!! i wanted to shoot that thing!
  19. can we PLEASE not rehash all this shit? whats done is done and the past is the past, lets leave it there. even the ones involved are over it...
  20. spat as in you 2 queers are quarreling. btw, whos the pitcher and catcher in your relationship?
  21. how could anyone miss those, nate is the man and as soon as youre willing to accept that luke the better off youll be...not to mention hes faster than you
  22. Lol he's just messing with ya man. Nates a fkd up individual, just gotta know how to take him. Me and him go back and forth all day long.
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