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Everything posted by mrmako777

  1. today june 1st, i have been riding for 1 year! ive logged 11,233 miles, all recreational on my first bike ever. ive had a blast learning how to run the twisties and appreciate all the criticism ive received from the veteran riders (you know who you are!). Im hoping for another year with no crashes! that is all...
  2. Ewwwww luke you are just plain sick man!
  3. seriously bro, instead of dumping money into the bike for cosmetic reasons, why dont you spend some money for some good gear?
  4. sweet. glad your coming, ill call you later and give you directions
  5. glad you made it safely man!
  6. :violin:yeah, and you never even come out then!
  7. so whos all coming? ill be there and hopefully we'll have nates bike back together in time for him to ride...of course im sure he wouldnt mind riding bitch? he could also put on a wig, in case whoever he rides with is paranoid about being seen as a fag. luke im sure you dont mind do you?
  8. lmao...blake i swear, im almost fully convinced youre a queer
  9. yes blake...mouth to mouth on nate...sounds like a great idea...fkn fags
  10. i know derrick, but if it makes you feel better, next time ill give you a head start so you can FINALLY win and whats up with the "Custom Dust Paint Job 750"?
  11. umm yeah man you have to actually RIDE to be ANYONES riding buddy!
  12. make sure you get these http://www.woodcraft-cfm.com/scripts/prodView.asp?idproduct=17485 and not these http://www.woodcraft-cfm.com/scripts/prodView.asp?idproduct=17484
  13. oh yeah im not sure how the woodcraft will work on your bike, but check to make sure you dont need a brake switch. my gilles utilized the stock one, but many aftermarket rearsets dont
  14. careful luke, or you'll be my next riding bitch, er, i mean buddy you goin with the woodcraft ones? i take it your gonna order your chain kit too, riiiiiight?
  15. The fan should kick on at 220. Is it turning on?
  16. well good for you dave, told you one day you would...
  17. youre gonna start hitting the twisties now?
  18. just look at it this way...you two will have more time to snuggle and watch movies since you wont be able to ride together...
  19. yeah and when you loop that 954, ill be there watching
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