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Everything posted by mrmako777

  1. Don't listen to him man, he's the resident douche bag. I taught this guy how to run the twisties and look what I get in return, no respect!
  2. Moose you kill me with all those wild smilies
  3. so as i was looking at my friends list, i noticed i was 1 short. after a little perusing i noticed it was focusdave. he doesnt have any friends in his friends list now and his location says...not here! where you at dave?
  4. Got my corsas a few months ago for $297 shipped from sbtg.com. Sizing is true to size
  5. This is what I figured but I'm curious if it has any value for street riding or if its more for track application
  6. that is exactly why i went with the regular corsas
  7. i noticed you have ur stock damper up, so im assuming you have an aftermarket one? whats the difference if any?
  8. kinda looks like this... but i still think it looks cool
  9. no i agree his form was terrible. my point was about hanging off the bike in general
  10. there are all sorts of things this guys did wrong. hanging off the bike, while i agree he did not need to do in 99% of those turns, did not cause that accident. im curious what you mean when you say the proper lean? lowering the cog by hanging off the bike compensates so you dont have to lean the bike as much for any given speed. i take it youre one of those guys that never hangs off the bike and pushes the tire to its traction limit? thats far more dangerous than hanging off the bike when its not needed
  11. Gimpy's just mad cause I can ride that bike better than he could before he got hurt. That's why he edited out the parts when I was doin backflips and wheelies
  12. sorry it was late last night when i posted that. anyways, after re-reading what you wrote, it sounds like you bled it right. did you do it exactly like this? per service manual... 2-18 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AIR BLEEDING THE COOLING CIRCUIT • Add engine coolant up to the radiator inlet. • Support the motorcycle upright. • Slowly swing the motorcycle, right and left, to bleed the air trapped in the cooling circuit. • Add engine coolant up to the radiator inlet. • Start up the engine and bleed air from the radiator inlet completely. • Add engine coolant up to the radiator inlet. • Repeat the above procedure until no air bleeds from the radiator inlet. • Loosen the air bleeding bolt 1 and check that the engine coolant flows out. • Close the air bleeding bolt securely. • Close the radiator cap securely. • After warming up and cooling down the engine several times, add the engine coolant up to the full level of the reservoir.  Engine coolant capacity: Engine side : 2 400 ml (2.5/2.1 US/Imp qt) Reservoir tank side : 250 ml (0.3/0.2 US/lmp qt) Repeat the above procedure several times and make sure that the radiator is filled with engine coolant up to the reservoir full level.
  13. who would let a complete stranger test ride their bike without some sort of proper id or collateral?
  14. As soon as I get some time I'm goin to make an appointment to have him tune my bike. Appreciate you guys posting your experiences with him. +1
  15. cat you need the type of help i cannot give you
  16. you must be further in the thread than me, im on page 10. there were 8 when i saw it earlier and now theres 17! my avatar wont show up
  17. Currently Active Users: 3881 (401 members and 3480 guests) We are a little higher then that now!!! Stew
  18. Dude....... Congrats STI You have crippled one of the largest motorcycle sites on the net a quote from our server guys Quote: Originally Posted by Admin Dude... this is Nuts! 2600+ guests. I have to turn a bunch of feature off to help with the traffic. Search is off and avatars will have to be turned off. Statistics have almost tripled. Stew
  19. omg, 17 pages and the other sites are registering to make fun of him too and post the link on their site so everyone on gdc can see what the other forums are saying. this is truly epic!
  20. youve never owned a bike longer than...3 months? congrats on the new bike btw
  21. yeah he was dave. he was bitching the whole time about how you stood him up
  22. :lol::lol::lol:now now boys, theres enough of me to go around btw nate heres the pm luke sent me
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