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Everything posted by mrmako777

  1. nick, they know all about how well you throw that couch around
  2. my bike has almost 11,000, all recreational, no commuting, been riding for 1 year
  3. nate is my pupil; now it is time to set nate free and have him teach the ways to other riders
  4. no he figured out i dont swing that way, so hes been sending you pms
  5. no different than what you and nate do when im not around
  6. im gonna miss out on all the fun dammit!
  7. I'm surprised you guys haven't seen that before, it was posted on almost every motorcycle forum known to man. Sad thing is, that thread was legitimate
  8. :lol:i mean you would think if the guy had that many posts he may have picked up a thing or two at some point. i am just baffled that anyone can be that idiotic, so much so that i think this guy must be trolling, at least i hope so
  9. yeah i dont know man, i just cant believe someone could be that stupid ESPECIALLY with 2000 posts
  10. link doesnt work right...try http://mydrunktexts.com/
  11. we dont give away our spots unless you ride with us man!
  12. dude take her back there anyways. you know its a nice little scenic ride and you dont have to rail thru the turns to enjoy it
  13. e i might have to make a trip up that way so you can show me around man!
  14. i will be taking it easy. nate and supersonic luke can lead and ill hang out in the back to make sure youre doin ok
  15. i think we're finally gonna get a day that doesnt look like a washout! if anyone wants to go we'll prolly do the usual, meet at chipotle at 5:30 and leave at 6. i figure for those that want to, we could hang out and then hit the twisties around 730. lemme know if that works for you guys!
  16. Honestly man that's somethin that will just come with time and practice. Gradually push yourself more into familiar turns and it will come
  17. You could take on 26 five year old kids in a fight.
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