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Everything posted by mrmako777

  1. i have realplayer on my phone, so ill have to rename it to .mp4. lets hope it works! i need some entertainment at work
  2. right now im downloading it to my phone. hopefully it will play, but for those that dont know, you have to rename the ext to .mp4 otherwise it will only play using quicktime
  3. wow, 222 mb. im gonna have to download it when i get home and recode it so it will play on a dvd player. cant watch it right now tho
  4. What about me!? I wanna see, I wanna see!
  5. Do what? How am I a nut swinger? who's nuts am I swinging on? Now derrick on the other hand...
  6. dude ive told you before that was fine. i have no problem at all coming out there. not sure if ill like em at any point since its mostly straights, but to be honest im getting bored of the shit out here. plus there so much damn gravel and traffic im getting really annoyed with it. a change up is something im cool with mines be mrmako777
  7. and whats that all about?
  8. yeah we just gotta get you to come out more often and we'd be good
  9. the only problem is that if i mount it on my helmet no one will be able to follow me and show what a fantastic rider i am
  10. ok he says he gets off at 5 everyday so bring the car thru then man
  11. youre my hero! you think i could attach that big suction cup to my helmet?
  12. good deal. ill text him in a few and see if that works for him
  13. Glad you got on here man! My neighbor said he can fix the bumper for you, you just need to bring the car over. Get my number from blake and we can set up a time for you to come thru and have him look at it.
  14. a dvd-r will hold 4.3 gb and a cd will hold 700mb. if you put it on a dvd as data i could recode it to the vob files needed to play on a dvd player and we could have us a nice little home video, with menus and everything
  15. blake that would be killer if she could do that. btw me and luke were talking earlier and wondering if you could somehow burn the footage of yesterday to a dvd or data cd so we can watch the whole thing un-edited
  16. ill be 31 in a few weeks...hmmm maybe my or buddies could throw a party for me!
  17. you must be losing your touch man cause i sure didnt expect that
  18. nick you are starting to make me feel old man!
  19. eh, either way those fucking things are stupid. id like to take one and let it ghost ride into the ohio river
  20. were gonna prolly need our ultra high heat resistant undergarments and outerwear once that vid goes up
  21. whoa tiger...youre the one changing his oil and helping him with his grips. not to mention i caught you two 69ing in chipotles bathroom
  22. that is why we love you cat
  23. good meeting you tonight man! man i had a blast, cat made the best damn ribs today, i ate 2 fkn slabs! luke is quite the hostess, i mean host...thanks again bro for having us over tonight!
  24. I think he was joking cat. To be more precise it stands for suzuki ram air direct
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