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Everything posted by mrmako777

  1. dave man give it some time. i think you'll come to enjoy the twisties at some point. once you get a little better the whole experience will be much more enjoyable. you dont know what your missing!
  2. andrew lets try and head to edgewater if everyone wants to. i know nate would be down
  3. good to see you out tonight man! yeah dude theres tons to learn and you have a good attitude about it. your bike was made to carve corners and we'll make sure you learn the proper way to do that. one thing tho man, like i told you before we left chipotle, was to ride your own ride. we honestly werent pushing it tonight and you made a mistake that could have cost you big time. never ride outside your limits! id much rather wait for you at the stop signs than to call an ambulance. keep practicing man and you'll get the hang of it! haha i like you luke, thats why i let you win on the straights, but we all know whos boss in the twisties smart man you are!!
  4. Well its like 5 min from my house and I'm currently at chipotle and its sunny with hardly any clouds. Its def a go!
  5. I might be able to meet up with ya. What time you gonna be out?
  6. lets hope so! im getting ready to ride around now for a bit if anyone wants to meet up
  7. dude its lookin like its gonna rain tomorrow so we'll all prolly be a no go
  8. Just meet us at the cincy mills chipotle at 530 and the rest will fall into place
  9. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=26293
  10. haha yes man i have nothing left to do to my bike that doesnt involve spending wads of cash or dropping the motor, so im gonna do what should have been done 10,000 miles ago
  11. anyone read this book or have a link to it in pdf format? http://www.amazon.com/Sportbike-Suspension-Tuning-Andrew-Trevitt/dp/1893618455
  13. Nah bro we go to bike night first and get a good spot, chill for a bit then go hit the twisties. You're not gettin out of riding man, you need the practice!
  14. Yeah bro we'll meet up at chipotle cincy mills at 530 and leave at 6 sharp. Then we can hang out for like an hour or so, then hit the twisties. I'm cool with whatever tho
  15. Weather is supposed to be pretty nice the whole week. Lets make a good showing this week people! Post up if ur in
  16. Nah only counts if you get nekkid haha
  17. lol i already have the books bro, but thanks!
  18. jess, if you can email those to me id appreciate it! ill pm you my address. i also have sport riding techniques and Proficient Motorcycling on pdf for anyone thats interested
  19. +1. ^ True story bro. I've always told you, ride your own ride. The first time I rode with e, jerm and chris they really humbled me. At one point I remember considering turning around and goin home cause I couldn't keep up. We've all been where your at man, and some people are still faster than others, but like I told you before, the street is not a track and no ones racing you. Take your time, learn the bike and it will come. Keep practicing man and you will get the hang of it. I'll keep working with ya too. You should also consider reading Sportbike riding techniques and twist of the wrist 2. Required reading for any sportbike enthusiast.
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