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Everything posted by mrmako777

  1. busted! dude heres what you said in the old thread fkn liar...
  2. im down bro! i still would like to get some more rounds for it but i have 120 to play with for right now

  3. Haha yeah e you're one of the few that can make fun of me! I'm a lot faster now than the first time we rode together!
  4. yeah bro weather permitting ill get out with ya for a bit. We can work on your body position. Pretty soon you'll be faster than Derrick, but most newbs are anyways
  5. Just woke up....im not sure if Derrick is comin thru for me to work on his bike but either way ill be ready to roll between 12 and 1
  6. Andrew I thought u already had a camera?
  7. any naked hookers gonna be there?
  8. yeah today was supposed to be decent, but then last night they were saying its gonna rain all day. our next decent day to ride will be saturday. the only bad thing is that after a bunch of rain, the streets are usually shit until traffic cleans em off
  9. Ill prolly pass on this one. I loathe riding in the rain. You guys have fun gettin poured on! Haha
  10. its not really about what time i get back but more about the total amount of time im gone cool man. maybe ill ride up there with you if youre taking the bike
  11. i was thinking about taking a couple of the new guys down there, but i dont know if i can be gone as long as it would take to run it
  12. doesnt matter to me really. i was thinking around 1 or so. we could ride around for a bit then grab some lunch
  13. Looks like this saturday is gonna be the best day to get out since its not supposed to be raining all day. Who's all comin out to ride?
  14. glad to hear man! you have to come ride with us now
  15. Congrats bro! Drinks are on you big money!
  16. I was kinda hoping no one would figure out my alter ego!
  17. looks like shes hiding...i wouldnt want to be seen on that hooptie either
  18. its gonna be a beautiful day to be off! you kids have fun!
  19. :lol i think i will take you up on that, yes i will
  20. lmao! you musta smoked nate cause i was a mile ahead of you haha. doubt ill be able to go to tristate tomorrow, next weekend would prolly be better for me since its short notice. what time were you plannin on goin?
  21. looks like luke will be starting the next edgewater thread... i really had a blast tonight guys. first time ive ever been to something like that!
  22. nick i would ride with ya man, but im pretty sure you dont wanna come down my way do ya?
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