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Everything posted by mrmako777

  1. had a great time tonight guys! hope everyone made it home safely!
  2. in the middle of the cul de sac
  3. lol dude if you wanna take her i will ride slow so you can keep up
  4. ill be riding to edgewater. you know how to get to my place? i think we're meeting at 630
  5. haha we take care of our own man! catman has crazy building skills man, maybe he can hook you up with that high powered wheelchair and you can ride into qs next week! woot! haha...he will. luke are you going down to edgewater with us tomorrow?
  6. im not sure ppl in cincinnati could get much worse than they already are. ive had ppl from out of town tell me how bad the drivers here suck
  7. When jerm wrecked last week, it made me really consider how I ride. I've seen a lot of wrecks in less than a year, but none where someone got injured and taken away in an ambulance. I've always been a cautious rider, and for me his wreck was a reminder. Having some fear I think is healthy. Let the guy take his time, he will get back on the bike when he's ready
  8. you'll be at chipotle by 6 or qs?
  9. the length of the horse from the end of his tail to his snout is at least 10 feet?
  10. mrmako777


    hey its catman! haha
  11. Meet us at the chipotle at 530. I'm gonna grab a bite to eat so we prolly won't head out till 6
  12. gonna try and make it down there around 630-700. anybody wanna head down there with me?
  13. i think its supposed to rain wed
  14. welcome! ive ordered from them in the past and never had a problem, good people!
  15. its gonna be a min before i can afford a track bike, but i am going to get one eventually. i cant take my baby out there right now
  16. we can prolly manage that bro. im done with the twisties for a while...i think
  17. you could always ride bitch on tj's bike?
  18. whos in so far? i plan on meeting up at chipotle around 5-530 grabbin some grub and then heading over around 6 or so. its supposed to be a beautiful day! jerm, you can take the cage, so no whimpin out on me!
  19. ^ good Lord! Those things should be outlawed with those numbers
  20. wow dude that was fast! im not sure if this is what youre looking for, or if you could find one in your price range, but a vmax or b-king might be something worth looking at?
  21. Well I talked to tj a little bit ago and jerm should be in surgery right now. Not exactly sure how long it will take but tj is down there with him and he'll give me a ring when he comes out. i'll keep you guys updated as soon as I hear somethin
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