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Everything posted by mrmako777

  1. brandon/jess, me and a few other guys will meet you down there between 1130 and 12
  2. Honestly I need directions to even get to the shell station and the route part is for fun. Its actually on my phone and I won't be looking at it anyway while I'm riding. Its easier for me to just program it into the phone than to have to carry extra paper around with a map on it
  3. Eh hem...you are both wrong! Shoulda got a gix, duh!
  4. im trying to set up this gps on my garmin mobile xt and i need some addresses to get to: a) the shell gas station b) route the whole 10/22 trip tia
  5. last year we always met at chipotle in cincy mills then rode out to milford qsl
  6. dude no need to apologize. we are all riders and what effects you now may effect one of us later or vice versa. i hope all your issues with this bike get resolved soon man, spring is here!
  7. did you fire me as your mechanic?
  8. hes got 2 bikes and the new motard he got had a bad battery. we were on our way to meet you and the thing cut out and we couldnt get it started so i had to ride back, get his truck then load it up and bring it back. then the gix started actin funny too! bad day for bikes i guess
  9. dude i have a bad feeling about that bike. its gonna need a rebuild isnt it?
  10. im not gonna eat (just got some free chicken and mashed potatoes ) but you guys can grub if you want. i need to get with jerm and see what time he wants to meet up.
  11. i wont be home until about 330. dave are you still in for today?
  12. mrmako777

    Colrain QS&L

    Check out my thread in the cincinnati forum. Starts on april 23rd
  13. what time on sat bro? i might be down for this
  14. I'm not gonna ride today I'm talking about tomorrow. I thought I read u were off tomorrow?
  15. we usually meet up at chipotle cincy mills. i can meet you up there around 430 or so. need to get my belly full first. hopefully some more of the cincy guys that usually ride will show up
  16. Doubt i'll go man. If the weather holds up I will likely try to go down to 10/22
  17. Yeah sorry I shouldve clarified that. I wasn't trying to imply that all gsxr's push that
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