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Everything posted by mrmako777

  1. hahaha yeah i got a nice big cul-de-sac for everyone to park in! woot!
  2. cat maybe you can get a hold of andrew and i'll meet up with you guys around 3?
  3. just got word that the first bike night will be april 23rd which is a thursday
  4. yo dude i work over in kenwood at jewish hospital!
  5. Nothin wrong with that bro! Believe me we would much rather wait for you at the nearest stop sign then have to escort you to the hospital
  6. Yeah I might rethink this one. There's likely gonna be a lot of cops out too. Don't need any tickets over here!
  7. is st pattys day that big of a deal that people start drinking during the afternoon? i dont plan on riding till midnight man!
  8. hahaha catman was eatin my dust, no way he was gonna pass me!
  9. damn man it sounds like youre giving up on bikes period. why do you need to get rid of your stands?
  10. andrew i am gonna try and make it out for this one after work. if i can get out lets do chipotle at 5?
  11. if it had a speedohealer it would be in the tail section somewhere (at least thats where i put mine)
  12. its all good man, if im not leading the group theres no need to use that camera anyways!
  13. must be nice bro! i have to work tuesday otherwise id try and meet up with ya. have fun on the greens
  14. yeah man! you any good? i need to get back into it for sure this year. golf ftmfw!
  15. Sorry about that man we ended up meeting over at chipotle. I take it then jerm didn't get you the message. I'm goin out tuesday after work if I can find a babysitter. You're more than welcome to come out with me then if you want
  16. Oh and catman i have a few stickers here if you wanna grab one
  17. Yeah good ride today fellas. Nick you never cease to amaze me the way you whip that bike around. Oh and that comment about me have the prettiest 600...thats cause I'm the only one slow enough to be seen! Hahaha
  18. im sure one of the pros will chime in on this, but ive always heard stacks are a waste of money
  19. imo, the difference is noticeable but it isnt over the top like i heard before i did mine
  20. dude im sorry but that is just silly. so what that she hit you? collect the insurance money and buy another cage. i dont understand why you need to sell the bike because of that
  21. +1. chris grab that tiger 09 its alot more fun!
  22. nothin showed up except for the hunter rounds that are $40 for 20 rounds
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