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Status Updates posted by jagr

  1. I was walking out the door and just decided not to go. I fail too.

  2. jagr

    Lemme know tomorrow if it's on for sure or not. I'm going in late tomorrow (10ish) soy boss will prolly be a dick.

  3. Welcome Kawi rider.

  4. I might swing by if I'm out that way. Gonna do diner with wifey and run some errands.

  5. Fuck it. Let's ride.

  6. I can't stay the night. I'm also trying to find a replacement so i'll let you know asap.

  7. When you're right you're right. :D

  8. Everybody is welcome with me.

  9. When? Now or Sunday?

  10. Sat morning I'm doing a Dedication for the First responders park in Westerville. It's the one on Main st and has steel from the Twin Towers. Then the AMA museum is having an Open House from 10-4pm. Free admission. They are also raffling off a 1973 Z1 and a 2010 Z1000. You know I gotta get in on that. :D Bens house isn't far from there so I'll swing by.

  11. Summer is just starting so we have a whole season and a half of riding left in front of us.

    I wanna do a lil riding in WV for sure. I'm in for the DTC trip.

  12. Got your message. Casper will have to look into it when he gets a chance.

  13. Hola! Peletonia. Just wanted to know if you are interested in taking a few of us noobs a ride along the route before game day? Let me know and we can schedule something.

  14. Welll tweet me the deets when you finger it out.

  15. yeah I'll prolly be there.

  16. Yeah. Post it. Vmessage me the link and I'll try to move it.

  17. DTC, Disgruntled Traveling Circus. Its one of the social groups. Like the sport twins youre in.

  18. Have you tried on a Nolan flip up? Amazing helmets IMO. Every helmet should have their chin strap system.

  19. jagr

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