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Status Updates posted by jagr

  1. cool. let me know when.

  2. Happy Birthday ghey speaker seeker. :rolleyes:

  3. Its a secret holmes. :D

    Just Mark your calendar, Sunday July 12 noon to 5 as busy.

  4. Did you get ahold of the CCW dewds?

  5. Happy birfday Mang.

  6. what are you doing lazy ass? Nothing to do today?

  7. Had to do ome stuff with the wife. We had to film the streets of Downtown Columbus and the Bottoms AKA Flanklinton.

    It was about as exciting as it sounds.

  8. How's tricks?

    Winter sucks.


  9. Welcome to the site Michigonian! Post up an introthread and tell us what's what. Laters.

  10. I thought we already were friends. hmm. ;)

  11. What's up with you stranger?

  12. im thinking of picking up a Z1000. Not sure yet still on the fence about it. Sorry didnt get to chat with you at the meet and greet. we'll do something for sure. Laters.

  13. LAV mech huh? Where were you at?

    I was 1st LAR. Scout. mid 90s.

  14. IDK if i can meat you at noonish. Maybe a little later. Where at your place?

  15. What's up weaksauce?

  16. Casper give you this meet n greet schedule?

  17. missed you guys Friday at KoC. it was purdy good.

  18. Fuuuuuukkkkkkk U. :D

  19. You gonna make it through the night?

  20. i tried to give you rep. it wouldnt let me. said i had to spread it around more.

  21. What's the plan?

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