I legally obtained one of these and lots of ammo from the government at an age where I wouldn't be able to obtain a CHL. WARNING. THE FOLLOWING CONTAINS AWESOMESAUCE!!! http://youtu.be/EM82Vuq3PdM
Medical errors,Tobacco, Alcohol and vehicles kill FAR MORE people every yer than firearms. Go jump on/under/in front of that wagon if you want to save lives.
I never really liked Anonymous until this. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/we-will-render-you-obsolete-anonymous-attacks-westboro-baptist-over-plans-to-picket-sandy-hook-funerals/
She has been Praying to Allah for something like this to happen. The 95% of the discussion was gun control. 5% the mental health issue. To me the numbers should be reversed.