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Posts posted by magifesq

  1. Entrapment is more like if he came up behind you on the highway with no lights and made you speed.... entrapment is generally only considered when you are coerced to commit a crime.

    DUDE - a Sheriff tried doing that to me on the way home tonight -

    I passed him going 60 in a 55 - he flipped around immediately and floored it to get less than an assured cleared safe distance behind me. I held steady and eventually he got bored and wandered off.

  2. -$58k mortgage

    -$3500 CC debt

    -$2000 Medical Debt

    +$1000 car

    +$1000 truck

    +$10,500 Turbo Busa

    +$1000 CR500

    +$1250 Rieju RS50

    +$1250 Derby 75 w/YZ250 powerplant


    - $48,500 In the red for a long time lol

  3. :mad:

    So, friend of mine tells me. "Hey I bought this bike for my girl. It's a cute little "skdjlafhaklsj" (whatever) Then makes a promise to MY girl. "If she doesn't want it, I'll just give it to you. It wasn't expensive so I'm not worried about it." Then after a month or more he says he has decided to give it to my girl. She is OVERJOYED because said bike is cute small enough she won't go screaming down the road (VERY NOVICE RIDER) and is PINK.

    So the days and weeks go by. He says he has to get it inspected and got new tires on it as the ASK up off 161/71 (???)

    Says he'll bring it over that night, never shows. (She called friends over to be there when she got it. They drove from Johnstown to the West Side) Found out he went to a bike night. Tried to say he got pulled over. I called in a favor to find out. He never was.

    Says he'll come over a night or 2 later, never shows.

    Says his neighbor is going to bring it to our work. I tell him I bet it won't happen. He says he's 101% sure it will.

    Never does.

    SO after all this come to find out HE NEVER HAD A BIKE TO GIVE. Despite the fact he had shown pictures of it to my girl.

    So now my girl is heartbroken. We even already bought her gear (about $500 total) that I have now returned and had to pay restocking fee cause I got the off the net.

    Should I just ruin this guy? I mean, I've got the dirt to do it. Cause this is a long string in a pattern of repetition for this guy. Who LIES constantly. I tried to tell my girlfirend not to get her hopes up. But (sorry ladies) she's a woman and therefore emotional.

    BTW, he's an OR member too.

    Why bother?

    Yeah everyone will know this dudes full o crap, what you may not realize is his people skills kung-fu is much better than yours which is why you're home following him around and he's living life. You can blow him up and let everyone know how this drama has gone, but in the end you'll pay in so many ways you'll wish you'd never have brought it up.

    Trust me, I've been fired and worse in life dealing with douchebags like that

  4. Long story short is what do you want when you're done?

    If the speedo being off is no biggie - change the sprockets, then the question is do you want to trade quick take-offs for fuel economy and top speed (then decrease the front sprocket and/or increase the rear sprocket) or do you prefer fuel economy and top speed to short bursts? (then increase front sprocket size and decrease the rear)

  5. 2 track days,for me.i can supplie you with the tires i wear them on sides and you can use the middle.

    I'll take you up on that - I have a take-off in the front, another take-off for the rear (on my VFR tire) the PP I've cornered all the way out on so grip is good, looks like I was right they do wear out quickly. I can always use spares with all my projects.

  6. I have some fun with HDs and HD riders, basically on the premise that the bike clings to the past instead of moving into the present and making plans for the future. Nothing personal. I've owned some Hondas, Kaws, Suzukis, Even a few Yamahas. I've got to say all treated me well. I've owned 2 Hds and they were ok for me. Now I'm bored with the mfrs stuff so I go out on crazy projects

  7. I especially like how the article says over and over that they ignored the border guards warnings. Stupid arrogant elitist tourists... they were probably doing it on purpose thinking a nice chat over a cup of tea would diplomatically solve our problems with the country. I'll bet right now as they're getting beaten with a rubber hose they're demanding a lawyer or citing the Geneva conention

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