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Posts posted by magifesq

  1. History - Got an online gift certificate to Walmart.com for christmas and decided to use it.

    One of the items came in (70# heavy bag and glove set YES!) today, no hate it was only about a week. So I print out the voucher and take it to the inconveniently locate site to store desk, no problem, I'm so pumped I could have walked diagonally through the store.

    So I get to the desk and see nobody there... after a few minutes go by I notice a sign that says to touch the cc pad to get help.... I touch the pad...minutes go by and theres a page for assistance at the site to store counter...minutes go by and the pad resets itself so I touch it again...it resets so I touch it again...same thing...same thing... a CSR from another dept walks by and I ask for help so she calls the front desk, tells me she heard someone on the walky talky asking for help so I'll have help soon...minutes go by so I touch the pad...it resets so I touch the pad again... A CSR from a nearby dept comes and asks if I've been helped and proceeds to help.

    I might as well been at the BMV, at least at the BMV I get a number and there's a counter where you can stare and hope to get help the same day.

    Now I'm home and I know this is one of the best Christmas presents yet.

  2. There have been several threads where members are curious about doing their own maintenance. With the thought that several here are not all that familiar with maintenance practices and tooling issues I thought I'd provide a list of common tools and their usage.



    A tall upright machine useful for suddenly snatching flat metal

    bar stock out of your hands so that it smacks you in the chest

    and flings your beer across the room, denting the freshly-painted

    project which you had carefully set in the corner where nothing could

    get to it.

    Also useful for stretching tendons and ligaments as it snatches gloves at breakneck speeds. Has been known to use said bar stock for breaking bones in arms, hands, fingers just for its own enjoyment. Some have actually seen said machine grin and laugh after causing gross bodily harm.

  3. Hmmmmmmmmmm........we have enough laws already defining racing and illegal street riding, this change is totally unnecessary.

    That being said, I can easily see how cops that are punks (I'm sure its just in Mt. Vernon, not anywhere else in the state or mount vernon) that would abuse it.

    Case in point - I got a ticket a few years back from one of mount vernon's finest for running a red light. Law states that if the light turns from yellow to red while car in in the intersection, car has the right to finish crossing the box. Problem is I saw the light turn from yellow to red (in my rear view mirror) after I was completely through the intersection. Dooshbag says 'I wouldn't have stopped you but someone looked at me like I should do something' (I kid you not his exact words). I went to court to fight the ticket and the judge found in favor of the cop even though he was in the wrong.

    Why do I mention this? To show how easily the changes give punk cops like this one too much power. 2 years previous to that ticket this same officer grilled me and a friend about riding our bikes - we just came back into town from working 2nd shift. We rode our bikes to his house, parked them in his garage, didn't see the cop the whole way. He drives up to the garage, calls us out on the mic, and starts grilling us - not for speeding, not for running a stop sign or light, not for improper lane change, just simply because he though we accelerated too fast from a stop. Should I lose my bike that I spent my hard earned money on, time out of my life that I would never get back just because some cop had someone stare him down?? Heck no bad cop no donut!!!!!

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