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Posts posted by magifesq

  1. God? Funny how he shows up late so often. He must enjoy the preview before he intervenes.

    Kind of like when people pray for a win at a game.. he's got nothing else to do with his powers, given the state of the world, than to influence sporting events.

    Not picking on you just commenting in general... you hear this stuff all the time.


    I used to be skeptical like you, but when you think about a hydroplaning truck going from far left lane to far right lane and having a bridge to stop the truck and minimal damage to both, things could have been much much worse. My faith is a personal thing, not preaching, just saying where I'm coming from.

    Believe, don't believe, live life and have fun bro.

  2. I was going to meet Danny, and get his turbos for the turbojet engine project, while driving downtown Columbus in the leftmost lane of 3 lanes on my side of the road I was going slihgtly uphill and the road had a 45 degree curve to it and suddenly hyrdoplaned did 2 donuts and hit the bridge rail - here's pix of the little bit of damage, I was quite fortunate it wasn't worse (like mutli-car pile up, no cop no ticket, no injuries, etc...).


  3. Land Lord is trying to get out of that shit, punch him in the face but talk to a lawyer if you have to first. Not sure what the rules are here in Ohio.

    That first point is called assault, I'm pretty sure its not legal, no call the the lawyer necessary lol

  4. We sell Kreem kits - acid & liner in one kit about $40, I used a kit on a totally trashed 95 VT1100 Ace tank and got 10 years out of it.

    Carbs aren't so bad, most of the time the I get by with purchasing new jets and they're usually all good from there.

  5. Let's start this lecture with the basics - your engine needs fuel, air, spark to work properly. Take each plug and put the head of the plug on an engine bolt and see if you're getting good spark (while cranking it over). If good spark then check your air filter, clogged air filter / mice nests can cause poor performance. Is there any dampness on the plug like its getting fuel? If I'm not mistaken, kawasaki finally fuel injected ZZR600s in 06+ models? Is your power commander lighting up and cycling through on start up?

    Changing your plugs may help, it a mystery to me why sometimes a non-fould but carboned plug refuses to work no matter if I blast it out and it looks like new, but sometimes you gotta pay a little to get the job done.

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