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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Nevermind. It seems it is found in somebody's backyard in Worthington. Now, does he get to keep it? Or at least salvage rights or reward like ships at sea? And who's up for going to Worthington and snooping around for a blimp? edit: muhahaha, news just gave out the address: an area resident reported finding it at 5916 Linworth Road at 7:37 AM http://www2.nbc4i.com/mgmedia/image/294/0/60970/hangar-1-vodka-blimp/ edit: muhahaha, "click to find out where the blimp is" on the Hanger One Vodka website... I don't think it's up to saying crashed in your backyard...
  2. It blew away from Don Scott field, and is missing somewhere to the East. Blown away at 12:05 AM on August 14 http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2011/aug/14/blimp-blown-away-don-scott-airfield-ar-685109/ It looks like this, or did when it was still in one piece... http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6026/5903863706_41b5981cec.jpg
  3. Let me guess... messy divorce, got to keep the car, and lost the house. Actually, it looks like a dealership showroom.
  4. Early reports are 4 dead and 40 injured, when the stage collapsed as a storm approached the Indiana state fair. And an additional 150 treated for minor injuries at the scene. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/sns-indiana-stage-collapse-pg,0,4904198.photogallery http://snsimages.tribune.com/media/photo/2011-08/274957780-14013045.jpg ( Joey Foley/Getty / August 13, 2011 ) YouTube Video of collapse: (The videos are getting shut down, it might have to be searched for to find) http://www.soundspike.com/news/article/2737-indiana-state-fair-news-new-video-shows-indiana-stage-collapse-gave-no-visible-warning/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRkdwrmzYXg&feature=player_embedded http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/sugarland-concert-stage-collapse-an-222872
  5. I heard some one walk past in the grass one night, through the open bedroom window. (Yes, I'm a light sleeper sometimes. I don't think the ears ever shut down.) I went outside in camo and hoodie and stood like a shrub against the wall and waited. A kid walks back the other way about 15 minutes later. Only three feet from me and didn't see me. Left him go on his way. Figured he was out trying to see his girlfriend and was taking the path in the shadows under the trees. That's a judgment call, because smart little thieves like the dark also.
  6. It's a long read and requires concentration. So I didn't expect anyone to actually read it. muhahahaha
  7. I love metric. Especially Newton/Meters. Despite the fact that there are about 8 different metric systems for fasteners. There are multiple Imperial systems also, but Imperial is British, Canadian, Aussie, etc. The USA uses SAE, which also has a type of metric, not just inches/feet/pounds/etc. But at least it's a firm set of standards, and not all confused. Just being picky, and oh yeah, the US Army uses month-day-year for as long as I can remember. But the future will probably be year-month-day, because it sorts correctly on a computer.
  8. http://www.gofastvideo.com/video/377/Honda-CBR-600-F2-Shop-Manual
  9. Looks good. Short and solid mounts work best. I ended up located on center line of the bike, at the handlebars. Still had vibration. Used another camera, and it worked very good in that location. Gave up trying to get the GoPro to work. I prefer cameras that have the anti-shake feature. edit: I should go back and look it over. It acts like the camera is loose inside the clear plastic case. Wouldn't take much movement to shake and blur.
  10. A rather good read with a rather different view of history. Since history is largely revisionist (changed to suit the desired results), it's up to the individual to decide where the truth is actually hidden. Articles like this one about Second Amendment rights, from the Atlantic Magazine tend to help discover those hidden truths. The Secret History of Guns By Adam Winkler September 2011 ATLANTIC MAGAZINE http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2011/09/the-secret-history-of-guns/8608/3/?single_page=true Then scroll down to the comment from Patriot_70 and read it all...
  11. I know people have used the Go Pro successfully, but I never found a way to mount mine on the bike without having killer vibration blur the video or still shots. And yet I've run other cameras just fine without the problems. I used the suction cup mount on the front fender with a safety strap, thinking that the front forks would not travel far enough to knock it loose. I was wrong, and knocked it so it pointed down at the ground, at the end of the driveway, entering the street. edit: oops, yeah, the Motosports kit
  12. I've seen old gas in tanks run fine, but after filling up will just stop. The fresh gas knocks all the crap loose and the carbs clog up and stop flowing fuel. That's my first choice. If a gas station has bad gas, you will see A LOT of cars a few blocks away, all with the hood up trying to get started again...
  13. No, the cure is made from an individual's own white blood cells that are genetically modified to "attack cancer" and "self-replicate". No mixing with other people, not yet anyway. Quite a breakthrough in technique. And I heard today that it will be about a $3000 procedure. This is something most insurance and medical plans will/should jump on to reduce their cost of business. Here's hoping... It's probably the aggressive part of the HIV that they wanted. White blood cells don't play well with other people, usually.
  14. geez... learn to skip lock front and rear alternately...
  15. I just looked at the 2600 pt spread in the Bollinger Bands (technical analysis tool). That's a 20% spread. Never seen anything like that before... Not really what I would call stable, nor predictable. So after two record breaking days this week, what are the odds...
  16. Really really weird, it's one big collection of carbon fiber adaptive wings for a car body. Probably could hold the road well if done right. Probably also could pop it's surfaces like a pissed off cat... Wired Autopia -Flake Is the Furry, Flat-Wheeled Supercar of the Future http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/autopia/2011/08/flake.jpg http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/autopia/2011/08/flake3.jpg
  17. Everything is for sale. If not here, then overseas. If it works, it will be available most everywhere. No doubt at fairly high cost.
  18. I will mention that I put 12.5 compression pistons in a smaller air cooled bike. And it over heated a lot, and broke chains and other stuff on a regular basis. And I tore the engine down often, either because it wore out fast, or something broke. And where will you find fuel for this beast? Won't that need rather high octane? edit: And will you change the rods for strength, the valves for flow, and will the fuel system deliver enough extra fuel? The air flow probably won't quite keep up with the demand at the higher RPMs. I'm not sure what the limit might be...
  19. Notice the Google Chrome book is avoiding this by having an ultra slim keyboard. I guess it's not a tablet...
  20. There are several places in Ohio where the aircraft can clock ground vehicles at a rate that would pay back the effort. Route 33 between Columbus and Lancaster is one of them. In general, aircraft need only respond. Sensors along and in the roadway do most of the work in finding the high speed traffic. edit: Road sensors are not wide spread that I know of. Not like they are in England where it also takes a picture and sends the ticket. Mostly it's to monitor traffic flow.
  21. I heard some one now has a patent on cat fights, and is taking them all to court...
  22. I suspect that ground and satellite surveillance was continuous on all participants in that area and post battle, from the time it happened, till the time of the air strike attack. And it's probably not over yet. http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2011/08/guy-that-shot-down-our-seals/#more-54186
  23. Sounds like a flat tire or something similar.
  24. ...waiting to see if they throw on a $10,000 "prep" fee...
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