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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Some traffic laws can be applied anywhere. Injury, felonies, major property damage, DUI, etc.
  2. I wonder if it was parked in the fire lane, heh. Tow it next time and impound the kid.
  3. Here's the Ohio list of shops that do crankshafts: http://www.crankshaftco.com/engine-repair-directory/ohio.html The only ones I've ever used is NAPA for cages and Columbus Col-Weld for motorcycle crankshafts. And that was years and years ago, so I don't know what to expect from Col-Weld now. I'd start dialing the phone and asking which ones can do it proper.
  4. ReconRat


    hey Phop... overtime, heh. Been there, done that. 60 hour weeks might work for a max of 6 months, but after that it all falls apart.
  5. I've bought some either way. Sometimes it's not necessary to ride one. I'd never let a stranger ride my bike, regardless if I was selling it or not. Now the horror story... A friend from long ago, a Honda mechanic, let a stranger take a check ride on his early model Honda 750 he was selling. The guy takes off in this residential neighborhood, little rolling hills, and goes full blast around the block several times, like a race track, till he dumps it. He apologized and handed over a check for the damages. The check was worthless. Life sucks.
  6. I said as required, duh, it requires a warrant. And wouldn't have to with anyone on here. Theirs is trackable by logging in here, pretty much.
  7. Correct, or even funnier... trade phones with one of the homeless that has a free Federal phone... Although, as soon as you dial up a known contact, you're located again.
  8. The origins of honoring the Medal of Honor was... well... a matter of Honor, whodathunk. And penalties were put in place to prevent dishonor of that highest honor of the land. Somehow that spread to penalties for impersonating a "military hero" other than a Medal of Honor recipient, and the result is that all is shot down in the courts, for lack of... well... understanding honor. And the gov/fed/police already track your every move through your GPS, as required, whether you've got it on or off, or even think you don't have one in your phone. Surprise! (Not to mention cell phone tower triangulation if the GPS fails...)
  9. Sounds like something I'd do. Ride home with broken ribs. You really should have known what was up though. X-rays the next day would have been good.
  10. Interesting. Quite agree that unless tearing an engine down, the evidence of damage won't be seen. And not saying it was the oil that did the damage, but I do believe that the best oils will prevent damage.
  11. Surprise! The traffic jam disappeared last night. And nobody knows how or why. http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5gFrbz-o8lvciPrT34_DSeBbQSjxg
  12. You'all mean the ODOT state map? they are free at any Registrars, if they got any left.
  13. Simple... 1. Decide on synthetic, a blend, or non-synthetic. 2. Use only JASO-MA approved motorcycle oils. 3. 4T means 4stroke, and 2T means 2stroke. 4. Mobil 1 is top of the list (Get the right one, the motorcycle oil). 5. Rotella T is the best bang for the buck (It's now JASO-MA approved). 6. Everything else is almost as good... it's all oil. 7. Change it when it needs changed (dirty or no viscosity). 8. Change it before storing in Winter (actually very important). IMHO: Castrol non-synthetic mineral oils beat almost all synthetics. That might say something about Castrol oils. I use one of their blends. And will start using Rotella T when stored over Winter.
  14. I saw a car do something like this once, at a lower speed. The guy was unconscious when he left the road. Dunno about this one. But I don't see any steering going on. Btw, that's him sliding across the road to a stop in front of that car that quickly pulled over on the right side. Which means he was ejected and PASSED a car in front of him.
  15. Wait... there was an Ohio bonus for Vietnam??? Never heard of it. edit: sob there was, and it expired Dec 31, 1977.... argh... $15 for each month and $30 for in country per month max $500 edit2: I bet my Father missed the one for WW2 also. I'll ask him. Then I'll email the AG, heheh
  16. I worked one place, that realized that since they didn't have a drug test, that tons of their applicants were addicts. It was a national problem, they were just slow getting around to doing testing. So they decided to suddenly "test everyone they had recently hired" to fix the problem. That included three of us just hired from Rockwell. I said ok, but whoever is asking has to take one also. I wasn't joking, and I never heard another word about it.
  17. The only other I can think of, was that huge snow storm in Germany. People were stranded on the roads for maybe three or so days. And the part of the story not spoken in China... all these vehicles were headed toward downtown Beijing. Which apparently has gone into gridlock itself.
  18. Boston city courts had to hire translators. Not so much to understand their own citizens of the city... But so the citizens could understand the English spoken in the courts...
  19. Yup, it's in China, and it's now making a record. 10 days sitting in a 100km long traffic jam. It moves a few kilometers a day. Doesn't look good. Estimated to be messed up for weeks more. But I bet the bikes and scooters aren't stuck in that... http://www.thehindu.com/news/international/article592015.ece http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=129395326 http://www1.voanews.com/english/news/asia/Thousands-of-Drivers-Jammed-in-Traffic-Near-Beijing-101347979.html It even has it's own Wiki page already... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_China_National_Highway_110_traffic_jam http://www.thehindu.com/news/international/article592015.ece
  20. Sounds like common sense to me. But I understand common sense is not common...
  21. Watched the Senior TT race so far. Incredible racing through towns and villages at those speeds. Noticed many breakdowns and drop outs. They run the bikes hard.
  22. Look at Sig Sauer P220 instead. And I like Para Ordnance P14, but not sure anyone else does.
  23. Correct, and all good and true. But why the hell would someone want to sell without records of what they've done.
  24. Only if someone asks you who you sold it to. Good question. Let's look it up.
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